Welcome to the manual for the MEG-4, the Free and Open Source virtual fantasy console.
This manual can be used off-line. From the right-click pop-up menu, choose "Save As". But it is also embedded in the MEG-4 emulator, just press F1 any time.
If you don't want to install anything, just visit the website, it has an emulator running in your browser.
Go to the repository and download the archive for your operating system.
This is a portable executable, no actual installation required.
Alternatively you can download the deb version for Ubuntu or RaspiOS and install that with
sudo dpkg -i meg4_*.deb
When you run the MEG-4 emulator, your machine's localization will be autodetected, and if possible, the emulator will greet you in your own language. The first screen it will show you is the "MEG-4 Floppy Drive" screen.
Just drag'n'drop a floppy file onto the drive, or left click on the drive to open the file selector. These floppies are PNG images with additional data, and an empty one looks like this:
Other formats are supported too, see file formats for more details on what else can be imported. Once your floppy is loaded, the screen will automatically change to the game screen.
Alternatively you can also press Esc here to get to the editor screens and start creating contents from ground up.
On Windows, replace - with / for the flags (because that's the Windows' way of specifying flags, for example /n, /vv), otherwise all options are identical.
Use right-click on meg4.exe, and from the popup menu select Create shortcut. Then right-click on the newly created shortcut file, and from the popup menu choose Properties.
meg4 [-L <xx>] [-z] [-n] [-w] [-v|-vv] [-s] [-d <dir>] [floppy]
Option | Description |
-L <xx> | The argument of this flag can be "en", "es", "de", "fr" etc. Using this flag forces a specific language dictionary for the emulator and avoids automatic detection. If there's no such dictionary, then English is used. |
-z | On Linux by default, the GTK libraries are run-time linked to get the open file modal. Using this flag will make it call zenity instead (requires zenity to be installed on your computer). |
-n | Force using the "nearest" interpolation method. By default, it is only used if the screen size is multiple of 320 x 200. Also forces this latter in windowed mode. |
-w | Start in windowed mode (by default it is fullscreen) |
-v, -vv | Enable verbose mode. meg4 will print out detailed information to the standard output (as well as your script's trace calls), so run this from a terminal. |
-s | Enable strace, tracing of system calls (only if compiled with DEBUG). |
-d <dir> | Optional, if given, then floppies will be stored in this directory and no open file modal is used. |
floppy | If this parameter is given, then the floppy (or any other supported format) is automatically loaded on start. |
Although the built-in editors are pretty awesome, MEG-4 is capable of handling various file formats both on export and import side to ease creation of content, and make the use of MEG-4 actual fun.
MEG-4 stores programs in "floppies". These are image files that look like a real floppy disk. You can save in this format by
pressing Ctrl+S, or by selecting > Save from the menu (see interface). You'll be
prompted to give a label to the floppy, which will be your program's title as well. To load such floppies, press
Ctrl+L, or just simply drag'n'drop these image files onto the MEG-4 Floppy Drive.
The low level specification for this format can be found here.
For convenience, there's also a project format, which is a zip archive containing the console's data in only common and well-known
formats so that you can use your favourite editor or tool to modify them. You can save in this format by selecting the
> Export ZIP menu option. To load, you can simply drag'n'drop such zip files into the MEG-4 Floppy Drive.
One of the test tools, the converter can be used to convert floppies into zip archives. And the advcomp compiler can convert adventure game JSON files into playable zip project files.
Files in the project archive:
A plain text file with the MEG-4 firmware version and the program's title.
Your program's source code, created in the code editor, as a plain text file. You can use any text editor to modify. On export, newlines are replaced with CRLF for Windows compatibility, on import it doesn't matter if lines are ended with NL or with CRLF, both supported.
The source code must start with a special first line, a #! shebang followed by the programming language used. For example #!c or #!lua. This language code must also match the extension in the file name, eg: program.c or program.lua.
A 256 x 256 pixels indexed PNG file, containing the 256 colors palette and all of the 1024 sprites, each 8 x 8 pixels, created in the sprite editor. This image file is editable by GrafX2, GIMP, Paint etc. On import, true color images will be converted to the default MEG-4 palette using the smallest weighted sRGB distance method. This works, but not looking particularly good, therefore it is recommended to save and import paletted PNG images instead. Sprites can also be imported from Truevision TARGA (.tga) images, if they are indexed and have the correct dimensions of 256 x 256 pixels.
The map, created in the map editor, in a format that can be used with the Tiled MapEditor. Only CSV encoded .tmx is generated, but on import base64 encoded and compressed .tmx files can be loaded too (everything except zstd). Furthermore PNG or TARGA images are supported on import too, provided they are indexed and their dimensions match the required 320 x 200 pixels. The palette in these images aren't used, except the spritebank selector is stored in the first entry (index 0) alpha channel.
The font, created with the font editor, in a format that can be edited by many tools, like xmbdfed or gbdfed. Obviously I'd recommend my SFNEdit instead, and FontForge works perfectly too. On import, besides of X11 Bitmap Distribution Format (.bdf), PC Screen Font 2 (.psfu, .psf2), Scalable Screen Font (.sfn) and FontForge's native SplineFontDB (.sfd, bitmap variant only) supported too.
The sound effects you created in the editor in Amiga MOD format. See music below. The song must be named MEG-4 SFX.
All 31 waveforms are stored in this file, as for the note patterns only the first pattern used, and only one channel (64 notes in total, one for each sound effect).
The music tracks you created in the editor in Amiga MOD format. The XX number in the file name is a two digit hexadecimal number, which represents the track number (from 00 to 07). The song must be named MEG-4 TRACKXX, where XX must be the same hexadecimal number as in the filename. There are dozens of third party programs to edit these files, just google "music tracker", for example MilkyTracker or OpenMPT, but for a true retro feeling, I'd recommend the moderized clone of FastTracker II, available for both Linux and Windows.
From music files, only those waveforms are loaded that are referenced from the notes.
You can find a huge database of downloadable Amiga MOD files at modarchive.org. But not all files are actually in .mod format on that site (some are .xm, .it or .s3m etc.); you'll have to load those in a tracker and save them as a .mod first.
The Amiga MOD format is a lot more featureful than what the MEG-4 DSP chip can handle. Keep this in mind when you edit .mod files in third party trackers! Waveforms can't be longer than 16376 samples and songs longer than 16 patterns (1024 rows) will be truncated on import. Pattern order will be linearized, and although pattern break 0xD handled, other pattern commands are simply skipped. Also if you import multiple tracks, then they will share the same 31 samples.
Music can also be imported from MIDI files, but these files only store the musical note sheet, and not the waveforms like Amiga MOD files do. General MIDI Patch has standardized the instrument codes though, and MEG-4 has some built-in wavepatterns for these, but due to size constraints those are not the best quality, so importing your own wavepatterns with MIDI files is strongly recommended.
Hexdump of the memory overlays data (which are binary blobs by nature). Here XX is a hexadecimal number from 00 to FF. The format is the same as hexdump -C's, you can edit these with a text editor. On import, binary files by the name memXX.bin also supported. For example, if you want to embed a file into your MEG-4 program, then name it mem00.bin, drap'n'drop it into the emulator, and afterwards you'll be able to load it in your program with the memload function.
Normally waveforms are automatically loaded from Amiga MOD files, but you can also individually import and export wave patterns in .wav (RIFF Wave 44100 Hz, 8-bit, mono) format. These are editable with Audacity for example. If the imported file is named as dspXX.wav, where XX is a hexadecimal number between 01 and 1F, then the waveform is loaded at that position, otherwise at the first empty slot.
You can import MEG-4 Color Themes from "GIMP Palette" files. These are simple text files with a little header, and in each line red, green and blue numeric values. Each color entry line defines the color of a specific UI element, see the default theme src/misc/theme.gpl for an example. Theme files can also be edited visually using GIMP or Gpick programs too.
By default, MEG-4 supports the Raspberry Pi 3B+ GPIO pin layout, but you can load any arbitrary configuration from a plain text file. Here the first line must be "GPIO Layout", the second line is the name of the board, the third line is the device file, and the rest is a list of physical pin - GPIO register offset mappings (where -1 means the pin is not assigned to the GPIO chip, eg. voltage or ground pins). For an example, see src/misc/gpio.txt.
It is also possible to import AdvGame 2.0 Adventure Game archives, although point'n'click games will be reduced to textual games.
Furthermore, you can import PICO-8 cartridges (both in .p8 and .p8.png formats) and TIC-80 cartridges (both in .tic and .tic.png formats), however you'll have to adjust the imported source code, because their memory layouts and API calls are different to MEG-4's. But at least you'll get their assets properly. The TIC-80 project format isn't supported because those files are unidentifiable. If you really want to import such a file, then first you'll have to convert it using the prj2tic tool, which can be found in the TIC-80 source repo.
Exporting into these cartridges is not possible, because the MEG-4 is lot more featureful than the competition. There's simply no place for all the MEG-4 features in those files.
The first gamepad's buttons and joysticks are mapped to the keyboard, they are working simultaniously. For example it doesn't matter if you press Ⓧ on the controller, or X on the keyboard, in both case both gamepad button flag and keyboard state flag will be set. The mapping can be changed by writing the keyboard scancodes to MEG-4's memory, see memory map for details. The default mapping goes like cursor arrows are the directions ◁, △, ▽, ▷; the Space is the primary button Ⓐ, C is the secondary button Ⓑ and X is Ⓧ, Z is Ⓨ. The Konami Code is working too (see KEY_CHEAT scancode).
Coordinates and button pressed states can be easily accessed from the MEG-4's memory. Scrolling (both vertical and if supported, horizontal) handled as if your mouse had up / down or left / right buttons.
For convenience, it has several shortcuts and multiple input methods. All characters required for programming can be accessed with an Alt combination, regardless what keyboard layout the platform is using:
Key Combination | Description |
GUI | Or Super, sometimes has a |
AltGr | The right Alt key, activates Compose mode when pressed alone. |
Alt+U | In case your keyboard lacks the GUI key, UNICODE input mode too. |
Alt+Space | Fallback Compose, for keyboards without the AltGr key. |
Alt+I | Enter icon (emoticons) input mode. |
Alt+G | Enter Greek input mode. |
Alt+J | Enter Hiragana input mode. |
Alt+K | Enter Katakana input mode. |
Alt+C | Enter Cyrillic input mode. |
Ctrl+S | Save floppy. |
Ctrl+L | Load floppy. |
Ctrl+R | Run your program. |
Ctrl+⏎Enter | Toggle fullscreen mode. |
Ctrl+A | Select all. |
Ctrl+I | Invert selection. |
Ctrl+X | Cut, copy to clipboard and delete. |
Ctrl+C | Copy to clipboard. |
Ctrl+V | Paste from clipboard. |
Ctrl+Z | Undo. |
Ctrl+Y | Redo. |
F1 | Built-in help pages (the API Reference in this manual, see interface). |
F2 | Code Editor |
F3 | Sprite Editor |
F4 | Map Editor |
F5 | Font Editor |
F6 | Sound Effects |
F7 | Music Tracks |
F8 | Memory Overlays Editor |
F9 | Visual Editor |
F10 | Debugger |
F11 | Toggle fullscreen mode. |
F12 | Save screen as meg4_scr_(unix timestamp).png. |
In this mode you can enter hex numbers (0 to 9 and A to F). Instead of these separately pressed keys, the codepoint they describe will be added as if your keyboard had that key. For example the sequence GUI, 2, e, ⏎Enter will add a . dot, because codepoint U+0002E is the . dot character.
Only the Basic Multilingual Plane (U+00000 to U+0FFFF) supported, with some exceptions for the emoticons range starting at U+1F600. Other codepoints will be simply skipped.
This mode automatically quits after the character is entered.
In compose mode you can add acute, umlaut, tilde etc. to the characters. For example the sequence AltGr, a, ' will add á, or AltGr, s, s will add ß, and another example, AltGr, c, , will add ç, etc. You can use Shift in combination with the letter to get the uppercase variants.
This mode automatically quits after the character is entered.
In icon mode you can add special icon characters, representing the emulator's input (like the sequence Alt+I, m will add the 🖱 mouse icon, and Alt+I, a will add the icon of the gamepad's Ⓐ button) as well as emoji icons (like Alt+I, ;, ) will add the character 😉, or Alt+I, <, 3 will produce ❤).
This mode automatically quits after the character is entered.
Similar to icon mode, but here you can type the Romaji letters of pronounced sound to get the character. For example the sequence Alt+K, n, a, n, i, k, a is interpreted as three sounds, and therefore will add the three characters ナニヵ. Also, punctation works as expected, for example Alt+K, . will produce Japanese full stop character 。.
You can use Shift in combination with the first letter to get the uppercase variants, for example Alt+K, Shift+s, u will produce ス and not ㇲ.
This mode remains active after the character is entered, press Esc to return to normal input mode.
It is based on KOI8-RU, but some letters are mapped to number and symbol keys. For example Alt+C, Shift+l, e, n, i, n will produce the characters Ленин.
This mode remains active after the character is entered, press Esc to return to normal input mode.
Tries to be phonetically correct, but there's no one-to-one mapping with the Latin alphabet. For example Alt+G, Shift+p, l, a, t, o n, will produce the characters Πλατων.
This mode remains active after the character is entered, press Esc to return to normal input mode.
This feature is implemented using data tables, new combinations can be added to src/inp.c any time without coding skills.
By default the screen will be blurry to mimic old CRT monitors. You can turn this off with the -n (or /n on Windows) command line flag, however then pixels won't be equally sized. You can counteract this by switching to windowed mode, where the screen size will be always exact multiple of 320 x 200 pixels.
By default, you'll see the game screen, with your game running (or the MEG-4 Floppy Drive if there's no game loaded). When you press Esc on this screen, then you'll switch to editor mode.
If you press Esc (no re-compilation) or Ctrl+R (re-compiles your program) in any of the editor modes then you'll return to the game screen.
All editors are themable, to recolor the entire interface, just drag'n'drop a GIMP Palette file into the screen. See other formats for details.
All editors have a menu on the top. By clicking on the icon, a pop up menu will appear, from where you can
access various functions, most of which also accessible through keyboard shortcuts (see keyboard). You can also access
the built-in help pages from here, however that's always accessible in all editors by pressing F1 too.
On the help pages screen, you can click on the links, and you can also press Backspace to return to the previous help page in history. If the history is empty, then this will return to the Table of Contents page. The help screen is the exception to the rule, because pressing Esc here does not always return to the game screen, instead it returns to the screen where it was invoked from.
To start a search, you can click on the search input box on the top right, or just start typing what you're looking for.
The built-in help pages reader is actually a very minimal MarkDown viewer, and it shows exactly the same info that were used to generate this manual (but this manual you're reading now has more sections, the built-in one is limited to the API Reference).
Click on the pencil icon (or press F2) to write your program's source code.
Code has three sub-pages, one where you can write the source code (this one), the Visual Editor, where you can do the same using structograms, and your program's machine code can be seen in the debugger.
Here the entire area (1) is one big input field for the source code. At the bottom (2), you can see the status bar, with the current row and coloumn, the UNICODE codepoint of the character under the cursor, and if you're standing in an API's argument list, a quick help on that API function's parameters (suitable for all programming languages).
The program must start with a special line, with the characters #! followed by the language you want to use. By default, it uses MEG-4 C (a subset of ANSI C), but you can choose others as well. See the list under "Programming" in the table of contents on the left.
Regardless to the scripting language you choose, there are two functions that you should implement. They have no arguments and they return no value.
In addition to standard keyboard shortcuts and input methods, the code editor has lot more text editing related shortcuts.
From the menu, you can also access Find, Replace, Go to, Undo, Redo as well as the list of bookmarks and the defined functions.
Click on the stamp icon (or press F3) to modify the sprites.
The sprites you create here can be displayed using spr, and also used by dlg to generate a dialog window and by stext when it displays text on screen.
The editor has three main boxes, two on the top, and one below.
The one on the left is the sprite editor box (1). This is where you can draw the sprite. places the selected pixel on the sprite, clears it to empty.
When the Shift is hold down, then a line can be drawn from last modified point.
On the right you can see the sprite selector (2). The sprite you select here will be editable on the left. You can select multiple adjacent sprites and edit them together.
Below you can see the palette (3). The first item cannot be set, because that's for erase. If you select any other
color, then the palette button will become active. Clicking on it will bring up the HSV color picker
(5), and with that you can modify the color for that palette entry.
The default MEG-4 palette uses 32 colors of the DawnBringer32 palette, 8 grayscale gradients, and 6 x 6 x 6 RGB combinations.
Under the sprite editor, you see the tool buttons (4). With these you can easily modify the sprite. Shifting in different directions, rotating clock-wise, flipping etc. If there's an active selection, then they operate on the selection only, otherwise on the entire sprite. For the rotation, you must select an area which has the same width as height, otherwise rotation would be impossible.
The flood fill tool only fills adjacent same pixels, unless there's a selection. With a selection the entire selected area is filled, no matter what pixels the selection contains.
There are two kinds of selections: rectangle selection and fuzzy select. The former selects a rectangular area, the other selects continous regions with the same pixel. You can press and hold Shift to expand the selection, and Ctrl to intersect and make it smaller.
Pressing Ctrl+A will select all, and Ctrl+I will invert the current selection.
When a selection is active, you can press Ctrl+C to copy the area to the clipboard. Later, you can press
Ctrl+V to paste it. Pasting works exactly like the pencil tool, except now you can paint with the whole
copied area like a brush. It worth noting that empty pixels are copied to. If you don't want your brush to clear the area, then
only select non-empty pixels (you can use Ctrl+ to deselect the empty areas) before copy, that
way the empty pixels won't be copied to the clipboard, and in return won't be used as part of the brush.
Clicking on the jigsaw icon (or pressing F4) will bring up the map editor. Here you can place
sprites as tiles on the map.
The map you've created here (or any parts of it) can be put on screen using the map or with the maze commands (see below).
The map is special in a way that it can only display 256 different tiles at once out of the 1024 sprites. For each sprite bank, the first sprite is always reserved for the empty tile, so sprites 0, 256, 512, and 768 cannot be used on maps.
On top the big area is where you can see and edit the maps (1). It is shown as one big map, 320 columns wide and 200 rows high. You can use the zoom in and zoom out buttons on the toolbar, or the mouse wheel to zoom. By pressing right click and holding it down, you can drag the map, but you can also use the scrollbars on the right and on the bottom.
Clicking with left button will set the selected sprite on the map. Select the first sprite to clear the map ( right click does not clear here, instead it moves the map).
When the Shift is hold down, then a line can be drawn from last modified point.
Below the map editor area is the toolbar (2), same as on the sprite editor page, with exactly the same functionality and same keyboard shortcuts (but has a Wang tile tool and it can use sprite patterns too, see below). Next to the tool buttons you can find the zoom buttons and the map selector. This latter selects which sprite bank is used on the map (just for the editor. When your game runs, you'll have to set the byte at offset 0007F to change the map's sprite bank, see Graphics Processing Unit).
On the right to the buttons is the sprite selector (3), where you can select the sprite you want to draw with. As said earlier, the first sprite in every 256 sprites bank is unusable, reserved to the empty map tile.
The difference to the sprite editor is (where you can choose just one color from the palette), here on the map you can select multiple adjacent sprites at once. With paint, all of them will be painted at once (exactly the same way as if they were pasted from the clipboard), and what's more, flood fill will use them as a brush too, filling the selected area with that multi-sprite pattern.
Even more, clicking Shift+ with the fill tool, it will choose one sprite from the pattern
randomly. For example, let's assume you have 4 sprites with different looking trees. If you select all of them and fill an area
on the map, then those sprites will be placed always in the same order, repeating one after another, which isn't looking good for
a forest. But if you press and hold down Shift during clicking with the fill tool, then each tile will be choosen
randomly from those selected 4 tree sprites, which looks much more a real forest.
When the Wang tile tool is selected, the Wang tilesets area (4) becomes active. You can easily draw roads, rivers, castlewalls, etc. with this tool.
But before you could use it, you have to configure it. It can hold 64 different tilesets (eg. one for a river, one for a road, etc.), and each tileset has 16 sprites, one for each combination.
To set it up, first select a sprite on the sprite palette, then click on the corresponding Wang tile button depending which combination that sprite represents. If you select more sprites on the palette, then you can set up more tiles at once (starting from the button you've clicked).
Wang tileset configurations are reserved and saved on your floppy.
Now that you have a Wang tileset configured, you can use the tool just like paint, except it will automatically place the approprite sprite to draw continuous shapes on the map.
You can also display the map as a 3D maze with the maze function. For this, the turtle position and direction is used as the player's view point to the maze, but to accomodate sub-tile positions, here the turtle's coordinate is multiplied by 128 (originally I've used 8 to match pixels on the map, but movement was too blocky that way). So for example (64,64) is the centre of the top left field on the map, and (320,192) is the centre of the third coloumn and second row.
Here scale parameter acts differently too: when set to 0, then the maze will use 32 x 8 tiles as seen on the sprite palette, one for each tile, each 8 x 8 pixels in size. When set to 1, then there will be 16 x 16 tiles, each tile will use 2 x 2 sprites, so 16 x 16 pixels in size. With 3, you'll have 4 x 4 kinds of tiles, so 16 different tiles in total, each 64 x 64 pixels. In this case the map will select these larger tiles, so tile id only equals with the sprite id if the scale is 0. For example if map has the id of 1 with scale set to 1, then instead of sprite id 1, this will select sprites 2, 3, 34, 35.
Tile id 1 with scale 0 Tile id 1 with scale 1 +---+===+---+---+- +---+---+===+===+- | 0|::1| 2| 3| ... | 0| 1|::2|::3| ... +---+===+---+---+- +---+---+===+===+- | 32| 33| 34| 35| ... | 32| 33|:34|:35| ... +---+---+---+---+- +---+---+===+===+-
Regardless you'll have to place sprite id 1 on the map from the palette to get these sprites. Tile id 0 as usual means empty.
If sky is set, then that tile will be displayed as a ceiling to the maze. On the other hand, grd is only displayed as floor where the map is empty. When you call the maze, you separate the tile ids into ranges, and this specifies how a tile is displayed (floor, wall or sprite). Everything greater than or equal to wall will be non-walkable and displayed as a cube, with the selected tile sprites on the cube's sides without transparency. Tiles greater than or equal to obj will be non-walkable too, but displayed as a properly scaled 2D sprite always facing towards the player (the turtle's position) and with alpha channel applied, so unlike the walls the objects can be transparent.
Tile id | Description |
0 | Always walkable, grd displayed as floor instead |
1 <= x < door | Walkable, displayed as floor |
door <= x < wall | Displayed as a wall, but walkable |
wall <= x < obj | Non-walkable, displayed as a wall |
obj <= x | Non-walkable, displayed as an object sprite |
You can also add non-player characters (or other objects) to the maze independently to the map (in an int array with x, y, tile id triplets, where the coordinates are multiplied by 128). These will be walkable and will be displayed the same as object sprites; collision detection, movement and all the other aspects have to be implemented in your game by you. The maze command just diplays these. It does a favour for you though, if the given NPC can directly see the player, then the tile id's most significant 4 bits in the array will be set. Which bits depends on their distance to each other: the most significant bit (0x80000000) is set if their distance is smaller than 8 map fields, next bit (0x40000000) if less than 4 fields, next bit (0x20000000) if less than 2 map fields, and finally last bit (0x10000000) if they are on the same field or neightbouring map fields.
Furthermore this command also takes care of navigation in the maze, ▴ / △ moves the turtle forward, ▾ / ▽ backward; ◂ / ◁ turns left, and ▸ / ▷ turns right (keyboard mappings for the gamepad can be changed, see memory map for details). Handling all the other gamepad buttons and interactions are up to you to code in your game, the maze only helps you with moving the player and handling collisions with the walls.
Don't forget that you always have to divide the turtle's position by 128 to get the player's position on the map.
Click on the letter icon (or press F5) to modify the fonts.
This font will be used by width when you measure a string, and also by text when you display text from your program.
This page has a similar arrangement as the sprite editor, it's just the palette is missing. On the left you can find the glyph editor area (1), and on the right the glyph selector (2). (Glyph is the displayed typeface of a UNICODE character.)
It is as simple as left clicking sets typeface (foreground), and clears to empty (background).
When the Shift is hold down, then a line can be drawn from last modified point.
You can search for a UNICODE codepoint, but if you press a key, the glyph selector will jump to its glyph. If your keyboard layout lacks some keys, you can use one of the special input modes, see keyboard.
The toolbar here is limited, only shifting, rotating and flipping allowed, there are no selection tools. However copy (Ctrl+C) and paste (Ctrl+V) works as usual on the glyph selector table.
Click on the speaker icon (or press F6) to bring up the sound effects editor.
You can play these sound effects from your program using the sfx command.
On the left, you'll see the waveform editor and its toolbar (1), on the right the effect selector (2), and below the effect editor (3).
On the right you see the list of effects (2), each represented by a music note (technically all sound effects are music notes, with selectable waveforms and special effects option). Clicking on this list (or pressing ▴ / ▾) will edit that effect.
When you select a sound effect, it's current configuration is saved to history. You can revert to this by pressing undo until you select another sound effect. If you have pressed undo, then you will be able to do a redo until you don't modify. (The modifications won't be saved in history one-by-one, only the state when you've selected that sound effect.)
The piano at the bottom (3), looks like and works like the note editor on the music tracks, except it has less options selectable. You can find further info there, including the keyboard layout.
Normally the waveform (1) is read-only, and you'll only see what wave the sound effect uses. You'll have to click on the button with the lock icon to make it editable (but first, make sure your sound effect actually has a waveform choosen).
When the toolbar is unlocked, then clicking on the wave will change it.
If you change a waveform, then effective immediately all sound effects and music tracks will change too that use that waveform.
When you unlock a waveform, it's current state is saved in history. You can revert to this by pressing undo. (The modifications won't be saved in history one-by-one, only the wave at the moment when you've pressed unlock.)
Using the toolbar you can change the finetuning value (-8 to 7), the volume (0 to 64) and the repeat interval. If you click on the repeat button, then it will remain pressed, and you can select a loop range on the waveform. The wave will be played first through, then it will jump to the beginning of the selected range, and it will repeat that range infinitely.
For convenience, you have 4 default wave generator buttons, one to load the default pattern (the one that General MIDI uses) from the soundfont for this wave and various tools to set the length, rotate, enlarge, shrink, negate, flip etc. the wave. The button before the last will continously play it using its current configuration (even if no loop range defined).
Finally the last button, the Export will export the sample in RIFF Wave format. You can edit this with a third party tool, and to load it back, just drag'n'drop the modified file to the MEG-4 screen.
Click on the music note icon (or press F7) to edit the music tracks.
The music you create here can be played in your program using the music command.
You'll see five coloumns and below a piano.
On the left the first coloumn selects which music track to edit (1).
Key Combination | Description |
Page Up | Switch to previous track. |
Page Down | Switch to next track. |
Space | Start / stop playing the track. |
Below the track selector you can see the DSP status registers (2), but this block only comes alive when music playback is on.
Next to it, you'll see four similar coloumns, each with notes (3). These are the 4 channels that the music can simultaniously play. This is similar to standard music sheets, for more info read the General MIDI section below.
Key Combination | Description |
◂ | Switch to previous channel. |
▸ | Switch to next channel. |
▴ | Switch to previous row. |
▾ | Switch to next row. |
Home | Switch to first row. |
End | Switch to last row. |
Ins | Insert a row. Move everything below down one row. |
Del | Delete a row. Move everything below up one row. |
Backspace | Clear note. |
Under the channels you can see the note editor (4), with some buttons on the left and a big piano on the right.
When you select a note, it's current configuration is saved to history. You can revert to this by pressing undo until you select another note. If you have pressed undo, then you will be able to do a redo until you don't modify. (The modifications won't be saved in history one-by-one, only the state when you've selected that note.)
Notes have three parts, the first one (on the top in the editor), the pitch consist of further three sub-parts: the note itself, like C or D. Then the - character if it's a flat note, or # for sharp notes. The third part is simply the octave, from 0 (lowest pitch) to 7 (highest pitch). The 440 Hz pitch for the standard musical note A for example is therefore written as A-4. Using the piano you can easily select the pitch.
After the pitch comes the aforementioned instrument (the middle part of the note) that chooses the waveform to be used, from 01 to 1F. The value 0 is printed as .. and means keep using the same waveform as before.
Finally, you can also add special effects to the notes (the last part of the note), like arpeggio (make it sound like a chord), portamento, vibrato, tremolo etc. See the note effects for a full list. This has a numeric parameter, usually interpreted as "how much". It is printed as three hex numbers, where the first represents the effect type and the last two are the parameter, or ... if it's not set. For example C00 means set the volume to zero, so silence the channel.
Key Combination | Description |
1 - 0 | Select wave 1 to 10 (or if pressed with Shift 11 to 20). |
Q | Clear all effects on note (but leave pitch and sample untouched). |
W | Arpeggio dur (major chord). |
E | Arpeggio moll (minor chord). |
R | Slide up a full note. |
T | Slide up a half note. |
Y | Slide down a half note. |
U | Slide down a full note. |
I | Vibrato small. |
O | Vibrato large. |
P | Tremolo small. |
[ | Tremolo large. |
] | Silence the channel "effect". |
Z | Switch one octave down. |
. | Switch one octave up. |
X | C note on the current octave. |
D | C# note on the current octave. |
C | D note on the current octave. |
F | D# note on the current octave. |
V | E note on the current octave. |
B | F note on the current octave. |
H | F# note on the current octave. |
N | G note on the current octave. |
J | G# note on the current octave. |
M | A note on the current octave. |
K | A# note on the current octave. |
, | B note on the current octave. |
Keys on the English keyboard have been used in this table. But it doesn't actually matter what keyboard layout you use, the only thing that matters is the location of these keys on the English keyboard. For example, if you have AZERTY layout, then clearing effects will be A for you, and on a QWERTZ keyboard Z will add slide down effect, and Y will change the octave.
It is important to mention that not all features have a keyboard shortcut. For example you might have 31 wavepatterns, but only the first 20 have shortcuts. Similarily, there are several magnitudes more effects than what's accessible through shortcuts.
You can import music (at least the note sheets) from MIDI files. Very simply put, if a classic music note sheet is stored on a computer in a digitalized form, then it is using the MIDI format to do so. Now these are suitable from a single instrument to a huge orchestra, so they can store a lot more than what the MEG-4 is capable of, therefore
Not all MIDI files can be imported properly.
Before we could continue, we must talk about the terms, because unfortunately both the MIDI specification and the MEG-4 uses the same nomenclature - but for totally different things.
To avoid confusion, hereafter we'll talk about one MEG-4 track only, and "track" will refer to MIDI channels, and "channel" will refer to MEG-4 channels.
Concerning instruments, in total there are 16 families with 8 instruments in each. MEG-4 doesn't have 128 wave banks, so best it can do is, assigning two wavepatterns per family (families 15 and 16 are for sound effects):
Family | SF | Patch | How should sound like | SF | Patch | How should sound like |
Piano | 01 | 1-4 | Acoustic Grand Piano | 02 | 5-8 | Electric Piano |
Chromatic | 03 | 9-12 | Celesta | 04 | 13-16 | Tubular Bells |
Organ | 05 | 17-20 | Church Organ | 06 | 21-24 | Accordion |
Guitar | 07 | 25-28 | Acoustic Guitar | 08 | 29-32 | Electric Guitar |
Bass | 09 | 33-36 | Acoustic Bass | 0A | 37-40 | Slap Bass |
Strings | 0B | 41-44 | Violin | 0C | 45-48 | Orchestral Harp |
Ensemble | 0D | 49-52 | String Ensemble | 0E | 53-56 | Choir Aahs |
Brass | 0F | 57-60 | Trumpet | 10 | 61-64 | French Horn |
Reed | 11 | 65-68 | Saxophone | 12 | 69-72 | Oboe |
Pipe | 13 | 73-76 | Piccolo | 14 | 77-80 | Blown Bottle |
Synth Lead | 15 | 81-84 | Synth 1 | 16 | 85-88 | Synth 2 |
Synth Pad | 17 | 89-92 | Synth 3 | 18 | 93-96 | Synth 3 |
In short, the General MIDI instrument will become the (patch - 1) / 4 + 1th wave in the soundfont.
Note that MEG-4 assigns waves dynamically, so these number mean the soundfont's wave number. For example if your MIDI file uses two instruments only, let's say Grand Piano and Electric Guitar, then piano would be assigned wave 1, and guitar wave 2. You can load all waves apriori from the soundfont in the sound effects editor, and then your imported MIDI file will use exactly these wave numbers.
The MEG-4 patterns are analogous to classic music note sheets, but while on a classic sheet time goes from left to right and each MIDI track is tied to an instrument, in MEG-4 the time goes from top to bottom, and you can dynamically assign which waveform to use on a particular channel. Consider the following example (taken from the General MIDI specification):
On the left we have three tracks, Electric Piano 2, Harp and Bassoon. The first notes to be played are on the bassoon, right two notes at the same time. Note the bass key on the 3rd track, so these are notes C on octave 3 and C on octave 4, and they both last 4 quoter-notes, so whole notes.
On the right you can see the MEG-4 pattern equivalent. The first row describes these two notes played on a bassoon: C-3 on the first channel, and C-4 on the second. The sample 12 (hex, provided that you have manually loaded the soundfont apriori, otherwise the number would be different) selects the oboe waveform, which isn't exactly a bassoon, but that's the closest we have in the soundfont. The C30 part means the velocity at which these notes are played, which is analogous to the volume (the harder you hit a key on the piano, the louder its sound will be). MEG-4 note volumes go from 0 (silence) to 64 (40 in hex, full volume). So 30 in hex means 75% of the full volume.
The next note to be played is on the harp, starts a quoter-note later than the bassoon, it is a G on octave 4 and lasts 3 quoter-notes long. On the MEG-4 pattern you can see this as G-4 in the fourth row (because it starts at that time), and since channels 1 and 2 are still playing the bassoon, it is played on channel 3. If we were to put this on channel 1 or 2, then the previously played note on that channel would be silenced and replaced by this new one. The sample here is 0C (hex), which is Orchestral Harp.
The last note is on the first MIDI track, which starts half a note later from the start, is an E on octave 5, and lasts 2 quoter-notes, or with other words a half-note long. Because it starts half a note from the start, you can see E-5 in the 8th row, and since we already have 3 notes to be played, so it is assigned to channel 4. The sample 02 selects the waveform for Electric Piano, which isn't the same as MIDI Electric Piano 2, but pretty close.
Now we have two whole long notes, one half and a quoter long and another half note long; started at the beginning, quoter and half note later in this order. This means they all must end at the same time. You can see this in the 16th (or 10 in hex) row, all channels have a C00, "set volume to 0" command.
MIDI silently assumes 120 BPM and defines a divisor to quoter-notes. Then it might also define the length of a quoter-note in milliseconds, or not. The point is, it is very complex, and not all combinations can be translated to MEG-4 properly. I've written the importer in a way to discard accumulating rounding errors, and only care about the same relative delta times between two consecutive notes. This way the MEG-4 song's tempo never will be exactly the same as the MIDI song's, but it should sound similar and should never deviate too much either.
The tempo on the MEG-4 is much simpler. You have a fixed 3000 ticks per minute, and the default tempo is 6 ticks per row. This means to achive 125 BPM using the default tempo, you should put notes in every 4th rows (because 3000 / 6 / 4 = 125). If you set the tempo (see effect Fxx) to half of that, 3 ticks per row, then each row will last half the time, therefore you'll get 250 BPM if you were using every 4th row. To get 125 BPM with tempo 3, you would have to use every 8th rows. If you set the tempo to 12, then each row will last twice the time, therefore every 4th row will get you 62.5 BPM, and you'd have to use every 2nd rows for 125 BPM. Hope this makes sense to you.
This only sets when a note should be started to play, and totally independent of how long that sound lasts. For the latter you should use a new note on the same channel, or you should use a C00 "set volume to 0" effect in the row when you want the note to be cut off. If you change the tempo in between, that won't influence the sound played, just how long it's played (because the row to turn it off would now reached at a different time).
Now notes will stop playing too if their wavepattern ends. When that happens, depends on the pitch and the number of samples in the wavepattern (playing at C-4 requires 882 samples of the wave to be sent to the speaker on every ticks). There's a trick here: you can set a so called "loop" on the wavepattern, which means after all the samples are played once, the selected region of the wave will be repeated indefinitely (so you'll have to explicitly cut it off, otherwise the sound would really never stop).
Click on the RAM icon (or press F8) to modify the memory overlays.
Overlays are very useful, because they allow switching portions of the RAM, so that you can handle more data than what actually fits in the memory. You can use these to dynamically load sprites, maps, fonts or any arbitrary program data in run-time with the memload function.
They have another very useful feature: if you use memsave in your program, then the contents of the overlay will be saved on the user's computer. Next time you call memload, it won't load the overlay's data from your floppy, rather from the user's computer. With this, you can create permanent storage to store high-scores for example.
On the top you can see the memory overlays' overview with each overlay's length (1). The darker entries mean that particular overlay isn't set. You have 256 overlay slots, from 00 to FF.
Below the table you can see the hexdump of the overlay's contents (only if a non-empty overlay is selected, 2).
Hexdump is a pretty simple and straightforward format: in the first coloumn you can see the address, which is always dividable by 16. This is followed by the hex representation of 16 bytes at that address, followed by the character representation of the same 16 bytes. That's all to it.
On the menu bar (3), you can specify a memory address and a size, and press on the Save button to store data in the selected overlay. Pressing the Load button will load the contents of the overlay into the specified memory address, but this time the size only specifies the upper limit how much bytes to load.
The Export button will bring up the save file modal, and will allow you to save and modify the binary data with a third party editor. To import a memory overlay back, all you need to do is naming the file memXX.bin, where XX is the number of the overlay you want use, from 00 to FF, and just drag'n'drop that file into the MEG-4's screen.
Click on the flowchart icon (or press F9) to edit the source code visually using structograms.
Code has three sub-pages, one allows you to edit the source code visually (this one), textual edit can be done in the Code Editor, and your program's machine code can be seen in the debugger.
Click on the ladybug icon (or press F10) to examine your program's machine code.
Code has three sub-pages, one where you can see your program's machine code (this one), the Code Editor where you can write the source code as text, and the Visual Editor, where you can do the same using structograms.
The debugger only works with the built-in languages. It is not available with third party languages like Lua for example, those are not, and cannot be supported.
Here you can see how the CPU sees your program. By pressing Space you can do a step by step execution and see the registers and the memory change. Clicking on the Code / Data button in the menu (1, or pressing the Tab key) will switch between code and data views.
On the left you can see the callstack (2). This is used to backtrace function calls. It also displays the corresponding source line where the function was called. This is a link, clicking on it will bring up the Code Editor, positioned at the line in question. The top of the list is always the line which is currently being executed.
On the right is the list of bytecode instructions in Assembly that the CPU actually executes (3).
On the left is the list of your global variables with their actual values (2).
On the right you can see the stack (3), which is splitted into separate parts. Everything above the BP register is the argument list to the currently running function, and everything below that but above the SP register is the area for the local variables.
Independently to which view is active, you can always see the CPU registers at the bottom (4). With third party languages, only the FLG, TMR and PC registers are available. See mnemonics for more details on each register.
If you want to use this language, then start your program with a #!c line.
/* global variables */
int acounter = 123;
float anumber = 3.1415;
addr_t anaddress = 0x0048C;
str_t astring = "something";
uint32_t anarray[10];
/* Things to do on startup */
void setup()
/* local variables */
int iamlocal;
/* Things to run for every frame, at 60 FPS */
void loop()
/* Get MEG-4 style outputs */
printf("a counter %d, left shift %d\n", acounter, getkey(KEY_LSHIFT));
The default language of the console is MEG-4 C. Despite being a very simple language, it is for somewhat intermediate programmers. If you're a total beginner, then I'd recommend using BASIC instead.
It was created as a deliberately simplified ANSI C to help learning programming. Hence it is limited, not everything is supported that ANSI C expects, but replacing
#include <stdint.h>
typedef char* str_t;
typedef void* addr_t;
will make the MEG-4 C source to compile with any standard ANSI C compiler (gcc, clang, tcc etc.).
It has one non-standard keyword, the debug;, which you can place anywhere in your code and will invoke the built-in debugger. After this, you can execute your code step by step, watching what it is doing.
Here comes a gentle introduction to the C language, focusing on what's special in MEG-4 C.
Because there's only one source, and system function prototypes are supported out-of-the-box, there's no need for header files. The pre-compiler therefore is limited to simple (non-macro) defines and conditional source code blocks only.
/* replace all occurance of (defvar) with (expression) */
#define (defvar) (expression)
/* include code block if (defvar) is defined */
#ifdef (defvar)
/* include code block if (defvar) is not defined */
#ifndef (defvar)
/* include code block if (expression) is true */
#if (expression)
/* else block */
/* end of conditional code block inclusion */
You can use enumerations with the enum keyword, separated by commas and enclosed in curly brackets. Each element will be one bigger than the previous one. These act as if you had multiple rows of defines. For example the following two are identical:
#define A 0
#define B 1
#define C 2
enum { A, B, C };
It is also possible to assign direct values using the equal sign, for example:
enum { ONE = 1, TWO, THREE, FIVE = 5, SIX };
MEG-4 C understands decimal based numbers (either integer or floating point with or without scientific notation). Hexadecimal numbers must be prefixed by 0x, binary by 0b, octal by 0; characters must be surrounded by apostrophes and strings must be enclosed in double quotes:
"Goodbye and thanks for all the fish!\n"
Unlike in BASIC, variables must be declared. You can place these declaration in two places: at the top level, or at the beginning of a function body. The former become global variable (accessible by all functions), while the latter will be a local variable, accessible only to the function where it was declared. Another difference, that global variables can be initialized (a value assigned to them using =), while local variables cannot be, you must explicitly write code to set their values.
A declaration consist of two things: a type and a name. MEG-4 C supports all ANSI C types: char (signed byte), short (signed word), int (signed integer), float (floating point). You might also put unsigned in front of these to make them, well, unsigned. In ANSI C int can be omitted with short, but in MEG-4 you must not use it. So short int isn't a valid type, short in itself is. Furthermore MEG-4 C supports and prefers standard types instead (defined in stdint.h under ANSI C). These have some simple rules: if they are unsigned, then they start with the letter u; then int means integer type, followed by the number of bits they occupy, and finally suffixed by a _t which stands for type. For example, int is the same as int32_t and unsigned short is the same as uint16_t. Examples:
int a = 42;
uint8_t b = 0xFF;
short c = 0xFFFF;
str_t d = "Something";
float e = 3.1415;
Unlike in ANSI C, which allows only English letters in variable names, MEG-4 C allows anything that does not start with a number and isn't a keyword. For example, int déjà_vu; is perfectly valid (note how the name contains non-English letters).
Multiple elements of the same type can be assigned to a single variable, which is called an array. Pointers are special variables that contain a memory address which points to a list of variables of the same type. The similarity between these two isn't a coincidence, but there are subtle differences.
There's no special command for arrays like in BASIC, instead you just specify the number of elements between [ and ] after the name.
int anarray[10];
Referencing an array's value happens similarily, with an index between [ and ]. The index starts at 0, and array bounds are checked. MEG-4 supports up to 4 dimensions.
To declare a pointer, one has to prefix the variable name with a *. Because C does not recognize string type, and strings are actually just bytes one after another in memory, therefore we use char* pointer. This might be strange at first, so MEG-4 C defines the str_t type, but this is actually the same as char*.
Because pointers hold an address, you must give an address as their value (using & returns the address of the variables), and pointers always return an address. In order to get the value at that address, you must de-reference the pointer. You have two options to do this: either prefix it with *, or suffix it with an index between [ and ], just like with arrays. For example the two reference in the second printf are the same:
int variable = 1;
int *pointer = &variable;
printf("pointer's value (address): %x\n", pointer);
printf("pointed value: %x %x\n", *pointer, pointer[0]);
You cannot mix pointers with arrays, because that would be ambiguous. For example
int *a[10];
Unlike arrays, there's no bound check with pointers!
In descending order of precedence:
* / % + -
!= == <= >= < >
! && ||
~ & | << >>
++ --
a = 0; b = ++a * 3; /* a == 1, b == 3 */
a = 0; b = a++ * 3; /* a == 1, b == 0 */
= *= /= %= += -= ~= &= |= <<= >>=
Unlike other languages, in C the assignment is an operator too. This means they can appear anywhere in an expression, for example a > 0 && (b = 2). That's why assignment is = and logical equal is ==, so that you can use both in the same expression.
There's also the address-of operator, the & which returns the address of a variable. This is usable when the MEG-4 API expects an addr_t address parameter.
Operators are executed in precedence order, for example in 1+2*3 we have two operators, + and *, but * has the higher precedence, therefore first 2*3 is calculated, and then 1+6. That's why the result is 7 and not 9.
Unlike BASIC where the primary way of altering the control flow is defining labels, in C (as being a structured language) you specify blocks of instructions instead. If you want to handle multiple instructions together, then you place them between { and } (but it is possible to put only one instruction in a block).
Like everythig else, the conditionals use such blocks too:
if(a != b) {
printf("a not equal to b\n");
} else {
printf("a equals b\n");
You can add an else branch, which executes when then the expression is false, but using else is optional.
With multiple possible values, you can use a switch statement. Here each case acts as a label, being choosen depending on the expression's value.
switch(a) {
case 1: printf("a is 1.\n");
case 2: printf("a is either 1 or 2.\n"); break;
case 3: printf("a is 3.\n"); break;
default: printf("a is something else.\n"); break;
There's a special block, defined by the label default, which matches any value that doesn't have its own case. These blocks are concatenated, so if the control jumps to a case, then that block, and every other blocks after that is executed. In the example above, if a is 1, then two printfs will be called. To stop this from happening, you must use break to exit the switch.
C supports three iteration types: pre-testing loop, post-testing loop and counting loop.
The pre-testing loop checks the conditional expression first, and does not run the iteration body at all if its false.
while(a != 1) {
The post-testing loop runs the iteration body at least once, it checks the condition afterwards, and repeats only if its true.
do {
} while(a != 1);
The counting loop in C is pretty universal. It expects three expressions, in order: initialization, conditional, stepping. Because you can freely define these, it is possible to use multiple variables or whatever expressions you like (not necessarily counting). Example:
for(a = 0; a < 10; a++) {
This is the same as:
a = 0;
while(a < 10) {
You can exit the iteration by using the break statement in its body, but with loops you can also use continue, which breaks the execution of the block too, but instead of exiting it continues from the next iteration.
for(a = 0; a < 100; a++) {
if(a < 10) continue;
if(a > 50) break;
printf("a value between 10 and 50: %d\n", a);
No statements allowed outside of function bodies.
You must divide your programs into smaller programs which might be called multiple times, these are called functions. These are declared as return value's type, name, argument list in ( and ) parenthesis, and function body in a { and } block. Two of these, setup and loop has special meaning, see code editor. The C language does not differentiate between subroutines and functions; everything is a function. The only difference is, functions that do not return a value has the return value's type as void.
void are_we_there_yet(int A)
if(A > 0) {
printf("Not yet\n")
printf("YES! Do things we wanted to do on arrival\n");
void setup()
/* do it once */
/* then do it again */
Functions are simply called from programs by their names, followed by their argument list in parenthesis (the parenthesis is mandatory, even if the argument list is empty). There's no special command and there's no difference in the call if the function returns a value or not.
Returning from a function is done by the return; instruction. If the function has a return value, then you must specify an expression after the return, and that expression's type must be the same as the function's return type. Specifying return (independly if the function has a return value or not) is mandatory.
str_t mystringfunc()
return "a string";
void setup()
a = mystringfunc();
The C language has no special commands for input or output; you simply just do MEG-4 API calls for those. The getc returns a character, gets returns a string and you can print out strings with printf.
Under MEG-4 C you use the MEG-4 API exactly as it is specified in this documentation, there are no tricks, no renaming, no suffixes, nor substitutions either.
If you want to use this language, then start your program with a #!bas line.
REM global variables
LET acounter% = 123
LET anumber = 3.1415
LET anaddress% = $0048C
LET astring$ = "something"
DIM anarray(10)
REM Things to do on startup
SUB setup
REM local variables
LET iamlocal = 123
REM Things to run for every frame, at 60 FPS
SUB loop
REM BASIC style print
PRINT "I"; " am"; " running"
REM Get MEG-4 style outputs
printf("a counter %d, left shift %d\n", acounter%, getkey%(KEY_LSHIFT))
BASIC stands for Beginners' All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. It was created by John Kemeny in 1963 with the explicit goal to teach students programming with it. The MEG-4 BASIC is a bit more modern than that, it supports all of ANSI X3.60-1978 (ECMA-55) and many featues from ANSI X3.113-1987 (ECMA-116) too, with minor deviations. It allows longer than 2 characters identifiers, and its floating point as well as integer arithmetics are 32 bit. Most important differences: no interactive mode, therefore you don't have to number each instruction any more (you can use labels instead), and all BASIC keywords are case-insensitive as in the specification, but variable and function names are case-sensitive. The MEG-4 API function calls must be in lower-case; as for the rest it is up to you, but those are case-sensitive too (for example APPLE, Apple and apple are three distinct variables).
It has one non-standard keyword, the DEBUG, which you can place anywhere in your code and will invoke the built-in debugger. After this, you can execute your code step by step, watching what it is doing.
Here goes a detailed description with examples, and all differences noted.
MEG-4 BASIC understands decimal based numbers (either integer or floating point with or without scientific notation). Hexadecimal numbers must be prefixed by $ (not in the specification, but this was usual in Commodore BASIC and pretty much in every other dialects of the '80s) and strings must be enclosed in double quotes:
"Goodbye and thanks for all the fish!\n"
The specification expects 7-bit ASCII, but MEG-4 BASIC uses zero terminated UTF-8 encoding. It also accepts C-like escape sequences (eg. \" is double quotes, \t is tab, \n is the newline character), and the string's maximum size is limited to 255 bytes (the specification requires 18 bytes).
Variables aren't declared, instead the last letter in their name identifies their type. This can be % for integers, $ for strings, and not in the specification, but MEG-4 BASIC accepts ! for bytes and # for double bytes (word). Anything else is interpreted as a floating point variable.
LET A% = 42
LET B! = $FF
LET D$ = "string"
LET E = 3.1415
The conversion between byte, integer and floating point is automatic and fully transparent. However trying to use a string literal in a number variable or storing a number literal in a string variable would reasult in an error (you must explicitly use STR$ and VAL).
When you assign values to variables, the LET command can be omited.
Literals can also be added to your program using the DATA statement, and then can be assigned to variables with the READ command. READ reads in as many data literals as many variables its argument has, and can be called repeatedly. To reset to the first DATA statement where READ reads from, use RESTORE.
READ name$, income
DATA "Joe", 1234
DATA "John", 2345
There are a few special variables, provided by the system. RND returns a floating point random number between 0 and 1, INKEY$ returns the key the user has pressed or an empty string, TIME returns the number of ticks (1/1000th seconds) since power on, and finally NOW% returns the number of elapsed seconds since Jan 1, 1970 midnight in Greenwich Mean Time.
Multiple elements of the same type can be assigned to a single variable, which is called an array.
DIM A(10)
DIM B(10, 10)
DIM C(1 TO 6)
The BASIC specification expects two-dimensional arrays to be handled, but MEG-4 BASIC supports up to 4 dimensions. Array elements can be bytes, integers, numbers or strings. Dynamically resizing arrays with REDIM is not possible, all are statically allocated using DIM. When the size isn't given, one dimension and 10 elements are assumed.
Index starts at 1 (as in ANSI and not at 0 as in ECMA-55). The OPTION BASE statement isn't supported, but you can set the first index of each array with the TO keyword.
In descending order of precedence:
^ * / MOD + -
<> = <= >= < >
There's one non-standard operator, the @ returns the address of a variable. This is usable when the MEG-4 API expects an addr_t address parameter.
Operators are executed in precedence order, for example in 1+2*3 we have two operators, + and *, but * has the higher precedence, therefore first 2*3 is calculated, and then 1+6. That's why the result is 7 and not 9.
The statement END stops control flow (exists your program).
MEG-4 BASIC does not use line numbers any more, instead it supports GOTO with labels, for example:
GOTO this_is_a_label
Some BASIC dialects allow you to use multiple commands separated by : in one line. In MEG-4 BASIC : identifies a label, so you must use one command per line (as expected by ECMA-55).
Conditional jumps use labels too:
IF a$ <> b$ THEN this_is_a_label
ON a GOTO label1, label2, label3 ELSE labelother
The ON .. GOTO always needs a numerical expression, and chooses the label accordingly, starting from 1 (if the expression is zero or negative, that always jumps to the ELSE label). There's no ON .. GOSUB, because GOSUB does not accept labels in MEG-4 BASIC.
The GOSUB statement does not accept labels at all, and its semantics are a bit changed in MEG-4 BASIC, see below.
For IF, both numerical and relational expressions are accepted (every non-zero expression considered true), and what's more, multi line IF .. THEN .. ELSE .. END IF blocks are supported too (but no SELECT CASE).
IF var >= 0 THEN
PRINT "var is positive"
PRINT "var is negative"
As an exception, one command is allowed in a single line IF, provided that's a GOTO or an END:
IF a < 0 THEN GOTO label
IF b > 42 THEN END
For iterations, the counting loop checks its condition before the iteration (does not execute the block if the initial value is greater (or less) than the limit), and looks like this:
FOR i = 1 TO 100 STEP 2
This FOR .. NEXT is essentially the same as:
LET i = 1
LET lim = 100
LET inc = 2
IF (i - lim) * SGN(inc) > 0 THEN line2
LET i = i + inc
GOTO line1
The loop variable must be of float type. The STEP is optional (defaults to 1.0), and the expression after that can be a float literal or another float variable. The from and limit both can be more complex expressions, but they too must return a floating point value.
FOR i = (1+2+a)*3 TO 4*(5+6)/b+c STEP j
Unlike the specification, which allows multiple variables after NEXT, MEG-4 BASIC accepts exactly one. So for nested loops you'll have to use multiple NEXT commands, exactly as many as FOR statements there are.
FOR y = 1 TO 10
FOR x = 1 TO 100
MEG-4 BASIC has no other kind of loops like C, but if you want a non-counting pre-testing loop, you can do this:
IF a > 0 THEN
GOTO again
And instead of a post-testing loop:
IF a > 0 THEN again
Statements not inside of any subroutine are simply threated as if they were inside the setup subroutine.
You can divide your programs into smaller programs which might be called multiple times, these are called subroutines. They are defined between SUB and END SUB blocks. Two of these, setup and loop has special meaning, see code editor. As mentioned earlier, in MEG-4 BASIC GOSUB does not accept labels, and that's because here it accepts subroutine names only.
SUB mysubroutine
PRINT "do something that you want to do multiple times"
REM do it once
GOSUB mysubroutine
REM then do it again
GOSUB mysubroutine
Control is transferred on GOSUB, and it is returned to the line after GOSUB when END SUB (or the optional RETURN) reached. Subroutines can access global variables and they might have parameters.
SUB are_we_there_yet(A)
PRINT "Not yet"
PRINT "YES! Do things we wanted to do on arrival"
REM do it once
GOSUB are_we_there_yet(1)
REM then do it again
GOSUB are_we_there_yet(0)
Functions are very similar, but they must have a RETURN and their RETURN statement must contain a returned value, same type as identified by the function's name. Functions are simply called from programs by their names, followed by their argument list in parenthesis (the parenthesis is mandatory, even if the argument list is empty). For example:
FUNCTION mystringfunc$()
RETURN "a string"
LET a$ = mystringfunc$()
PRINT expression [;|,] [expression [;|,] [expression [;|,]]] ...
Prints one or more exporession on screen. If the expressions are separated by ; semi-colon, then tightly one after another. If by , colon, then the output will be splitted into coloumns. Numbers are always prefixed by a space, and if the command ends in an expression (not in ; nor in ,), then a newline character will be printed at the end as well.
INPUT "prompt" [;|,] variable
Prints out prompt, then reads in a value from user and stores it in the given variable. If the prompt and the variable is spearated by a , colon, then it also prints a ? question-mark after the prompt.
The ECMA-55 specification allows multiple variables to be specified, but the MEG-4 BASIC allows only one.
You can directly access the MEG-4 memory with these commands, even the MMIO area.
Readvariable = PEEK(address)
Reads in the byte at the given address, converts it into a floating point and stores it in the given variable.
For example, to check if the keyboard queue is not empty:
POKE address, expression
Calculates the expression, converts it into a byte and stores that byte value at the given address.
For example, to set the palette for color index 1:
REM red component
POKE $84, 10
REM green component
POKE $85, 10
REM blue component
POKE $86, 10
REM alpha (transparency)
POKE $87, 255
Some MEG-4 API are provided as system variables, RND (rnd), TIME (time), NOW% (now), and INKEY$ (getc).
Others are provided as commands, INPUT (gets + val), PRINT (printf), PEEK (inb), POKE (outb).
As to comply with ECMA-55, two functions are renamed: SQR (sqrt) and ATN% (atan). All the rest is used as they appear in this documentation, except they are properly suffixed according their return types (for example, str returns a string, so it is called STR$).
Note that ECMA-55 expects that trigonometrical functions use radians by default (with an OPTION command to switch to degrees), however the MEG-4 API always uses degrees, 0 to 359, where 0 is up, and 90 is to the right. That's why the ATN% gets an integer type suffix for example, as it returns degrees in an integer.
Normally all functions without a return value must be called with the GOSUB keyword, however the MEG-4 API is a special case, because with those the keyword can be ommited, and the API function can be used as-is.
If you want to use this language, then start your program with a #!asm line.
/* global variables */
acounter: di 123
anumber: df 3.1415
anaddress: di 0x0048C
astring: db "something"
anarray: di 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
fmt: db "a counter %d, left shift %d\n"
/* Things to do on startup */
/* local variables (not really, just reserve space on the stack) */
sp -4
/* free it */
sp 4
/* Things to run for every frame, at 60 FPS */
/* Get MEG-4 style outputs */
scall getkey
sp 4
ci acounter
pshci fmt
scall printf
sp 12
This isn't an actual programming language. When you compile one of the built-in languages, the compiler generates bytecode that the CPU executes. Assembly is a one-to-one transcription of that bytecode with human-readable textual mnemonics. It has two sections, data and code, both containing a series of labels and instructions. Instructions are mnemonics with an optional parameter.
You can play around and experiment with this if you feel brave.
Same as MEG-4 C literals.
There's no such thing as a variable in Assembly. Instead you specify the data section with .data, and just place the data after one of the db (byte), dw (word), di (integer), df (float) instructions. In this stream of data, before the instruction, you can place labels which will hold the address of that data. To load a value in your code section, first you put that label in the accumulator register using ci, and then issue one of the ldb (load byte), ldw (load word), ldi (load integer) or ldf (load float) instructions. If the ldb or ldw instructions has a non-zero argument, then they sign-extend the value to 32 bit.
Everything that you place after the .code keyword will be code. There's no implicit control flow, each instruction is executed one after another; you have to alter the PC (program counter) using one of the jmp (jump), jz (jump if zero), jnz (jump if not zero) or sw (switch, case selection) instructions to change the control flow manually.
There's no function declaration. You just use a label to mark a spot in the code. You push all arguments on the stack in reverse order using pushi and pushf, then you use a call mnemonic with that label. Within the function, you can get the address of these parameters with the adr (address) instruction, with its parameter being the function parameter's number multiplied by four. For example adr 0 loads the first function parameter's address in the accumulator register, and adr 4 loads the second's. You can return from the function with the ret instruction. Return values are returned in the accumulator register, which you can set directly with the ci (constant integer) and cf (constant float) instructions, and indirectly with the popi, popf, ldb, ldw, ldi and ldf instructions. After the call it is the caller's responsibility to remove the parameters from the stack by using an sp + number of parameters times four instruction.
You have all the MEG-4 API functions at your disposal; using the exact names as they are listed in this documentation.
You have to push all arguments on the stack in reverse order, then use an scall (system call) mnemonic with a MEG-4 API function name as parameter. After the call it is the caller's responsibility to remove the parameters from the stack.
Before we go into the details, we must talk about the MEG-4 CPU specification.
The MEG-4 CPU is a 32-bit, little endian CPU. All values are stored in a way that smallest digits are placed on the smaller addresses. It is capable of performing operations on 8 bit, 16 bit and 32 bit integers (signed and unsigned) and on 32 bit floating point numbers.
The memory model is flat, meaning all data can be accessed through a single offset. Has no paging and no virtual address translation, no segmentation, except all data and code segment references are implicit (aka. no segment prefixes, referencing segments are automatic).
For security reasons code segment and data segment are separated, as well as the call stack and the data stack. Stack overflow and any other code injection through buffer overflow attacks are simply impossible on this CPU, which makes it very secure and bullet-proof (also supporting 3rd party bytecode like Lua would be impossible without code separation). In this reagard it is more like a Harvard architecture, but in every other aspect it's more like a von Neumann architecture.
The CPU has the following registers:
The data segment is byte based, meaning DP, BP and SP registers point to 8 bit units. You can place data to the data segment using the db (8 bit), dw (16 bit), di (32 bit) and df (32 bit float) mnemonics. These might have one or more comma separated arguments, and for db strings literals and character literals can also be used.
The code segment has a 32 bit granularity, meaning that's the smallest address unit you can use. For this reason the PC points to these 32 bit units and not bytes. The following mnemonics can be used to place instructions to the code segment:
Mnemonic | Parameter | Description |
debug | Invoke the built-in debugger (nop for MEG-4 PRO) | |
ret | Return from call, pops from the call stack | |
scall | MEG-4 API function | System call |
call | address/code label | Pushes the position to the call stack and then calls a function |
jmp | address/code label | Jump to address |
jz | address/code label | Jump to address if accumulator is zero |
jnz | address/code label | Jump to address if accumulator isn't zero |
js | address/code label | Pop value, adjust its sign and jump to address if negative or zero |
jns | address/code label | Pop value, adjust its sign and jump to address if positive |
sw | num,addr,addr0,addr1... | Switch (see below) |
ci | number/data label | Place an integer value into the accumulator |
cf | number | Place a floating point number into the accumulator |
bnd | number | Checks if the accumulator's value is between 0 and number |
lea | number | Loads the address DP + number into the accumulator |
adr | number | Loads the address BP + number into the accumulator |
sp | number | Adjust SP register by number |
pshci | number/data label | Push an integer constant to the data stack |
pshcf | number | Push a float constant to the data stack |
pushi | Push the accumulator as integer to the data stack | |
pushf | Push the accumulator as float to the data stack | |
popi | Pop an integer value from the data stack into the accumulator | |
popf | Pop a float value from the data stack into the accumulator | |
cnvi | Convert the value on the top of the stack into an integer | |
cnvf | Convert the value on the top of the stack into a float | |
ldb | 0/1 | Loads a byte from the address in the accumulator (sign extend if arg is non-zero) |
ldw | 0/1 | Loads a word from the address in the accumulator (sign extend if arg is non-zero) |
ldi | Loads an integer from the address in the accumulator | |
ldf | Loads a float from the address in the accumulator | |
stb | Pops the address from stack and stores a byte from accumulator | |
stw | Pops the address from stack and stores a word from accumulator | |
sti | Pops the address from stack and stores an int from accumulator | |
stf | Pops the address from stack and stores a float from accumulator | |
incb | number | Pops the address from stack and increase the byte at address by number |
incw | number | Pops the address from stack and increase the word at address by number |
inci | number | Pops the address from stack and increase the integer at address by number |
decb | number | Pops the address from stack and decrease the byte at address by number |
decw | number | Pops the address from stack and decrease the word at address by number |
deci | number | Pops the address from stack and decrease the integer at address by number |
not | Perform logical NOT on the accumulator | |
neg | Perform bitwise NOT on the accumulator | |
or | Pop a value from stack and perform bitwise OR on the accumulator | |
xor | Pop a value from stack and perform EXCLUSIVE OR on the accumulator | |
and | Pop a value from stack and perform bitwise AND on the accumulator | |
shl | Pop a value and shift accumulator bits to the left, place result in accumulator | |
shr | Pop a value and shift accumulator bits to the right, place result in accumulator | |
eq | Pop a value and set accumulator if accumulator is the same as the popped | |
ne | Pop a value and set accumulator if accumulator isn't the same | |
lts | Pop a value and set accumulator if it's less than as signed | |
gts | Pop a value and set accumulator if it's greater than as signed | |
les | Pop a value and set accumulator if it's less or equal as signed | |
ges | Pop a value and set accumulator if it's greater or equal as signed | |
ltu | Pop a value and set accumulator if it's less than as unsigned | |
gtu | Pop a value and set accumulator if it's greater than as unsigned | |
leu | Pop a value and set accumulator if it's less or equal as unsigned | |
geu | Pop a value and set accumulator if it's greater or equal as unsigned | |
ltf | Pop a value and set accumulator if it's less than as float | |
gtf | Pop a value and set accumulator if it's greater than as float | |
lef | Pop a value and set accumulator if it's less or equal as float | |
gef | Pop a value and set accumulator if it's greater or equal as float | |
addi | Pop a value and add it to the accumulator as integer | |
subi | Pop a value and subtract the accumulator from it as integer | |
muli | Pop a value and multiply the accumulator with it as integer | |
divi | Pop a value and divide by the accumulator as integer | |
modi | Pop a value, divide and put the remainder in accumulator as integer | |
powi | Pop a value and raise to the power of accumulator as interger | |
addf | Pop a value and add it to the accumulator as float | |
subf | Pop a value and subtract the accumulator from it as float | |
mulf | Pop a value and multiply the accumulator with it as float | |
divf | Pop a value and divide by the accumulator as float | |
modf | Pop a value, divide and put the fractional in accumulator as float | |
powf | Pop a value and raise to the power of accumulator as float |
The sw mnemonic has variable number (but at least three) arguments. The first one is a number, the second is a code label, as well as all the rest are code labels. It subtracts the number from the accumulator and checks if the result is positive and less than the number of the labels given. If not, then it jumps to the first label in the second argument. If it is, then it picks the accumulatorth label starting from the third parameter (second label), and jumps there.
So in a nutshell it is
sw (value), (label to jump to otherwise), (label to jump to if accumulator equals value), (label to jump to if accumulator equals value + 1), (label to jump to if accumulator equals value + 2), (label to jump to if accumulator equals value + 3), ... (label to jump to if accumulator equals value + N)
Every sw mnemonic might have up to 256 value labels.
If you want to use this language, then start your program with a #!lua line.
-- global variables
acounter = 123
anumber = 3.1415
anaddress = 0x0048C
astring = "something"
anarray = {}
-- Things to do on startup
function setup()
-- local variables
iamlocal = 234
-- Things to run for every frame, at 60 FPS
function loop()
-- Lua style print
print("I", "am", "running")
-- Get MEG-4 style outputs
printf("a counter %d, left shift %d\n", acounter, getkey(KEY_LSHIFT))
Unlike the other languages, this isn't integral part of MEG-4, rather provided by a thrid party library. Due to that it does not (and cannot) have perfect integration (no debugger and no translated error messages for example). Its runner is bloated and much slower compared to the other languages, but it works, and you can use it.
The embedded version is Lua 5.4.7, with modifications. For security reasons it lacks concurrency, as well as module loading, file access, pipes, command execution. The coroutine, io and os modules and their functions aren't available (but the language features and all the other parts of the baselib are still there). Instead of these missing tables, it has the MEG-4 API, which can be used as in any other language (with some slight, minor differences for better integration).
If you're interested in this language then you can find more information in the Programming in Lua documentation.
All values are little endian, so the smaller digit is stored on the smaller address.
Offset | Size | Description |
00000 | 1 | MEG-4 firmware version major |
00001 | 1 | MEG-4 firmware version minor |
00002 | 1 | MEG-4 firmware version bugfix |
00003 | 1 | performance counter, last frame's unspent time in 1/1000th secs |
00004 | 4 | number of 1/1000th second ticks since power on |
00008 | 8 | UTC unix timestamp |
00010 | 2 | current locale |
The performance counter shows the time unspent when the last frame was generated. If this is zero or negative, then it means how much your loop() function has overstepped its available timeframe.
Offset | Size | Description |
00012 | 2 | pointer buttons state (see getbtn and getclk) |
00014 | 2 | pointer sprite index |
00016 | 2 | pointer X coordinate |
00018 | 2 | pointer Y coordinate |
The pointer buttons are as follows:
Define | Bitmask | Description |
BTN_L | 1 | Left mouse button |
BTN_M | 2 | Middle mouse button |
BTN_R | 4 | Right mouse button |
SCR_U | 8 | Scroll up |
SCR_D | 16 | Scroll down |
SCR_L | 32 | Scroll left |
SCR_R | 64 | Scroll right |
The upper bits of the pointer sprite index are used for hotspots: bit 13-15 hotspot Y, bit 10-12 hotspot X, bit 0-9 sprite. There are some predefined built-in cursors:
Define | Value | Description |
PTR_NORM | 03fb | Normal (arrow) pointer |
PTR_TEXT | 03fc | Text pointer |
PTR_HAND | 0bfd | Link pointer |
PTR_ERR | 93fe | Error pointer |
PTR_NONE | ffff | The pointer is hidden |
Offset | Size | Description |
0001A | 1 | keyboard queue tail |
0001B | 1 | keyboard queue head |
0001C | 64 | keyboard queue, 16 elements, each 4 bytes (see popkey) |
0005C | 18 | keyboard keys pressed state by scancodes (see getkey) |
The keys popped from the queue are represented in UTF-8. Some invalid UTF-8 sequences represent special (non-printable) keys, for example:
Keycode | Description |
\x8 | The character 8, ←Backspace key |
\x9 | The character 9, Tab key |
\n | The character 10, ⏎Enter key |
\x1b | The character 27, Esc key |
Del | The Del key |
Up | The cursor arrow ▴ key |
Down | The cursor arrow ▾ key |
Left | The cursor arrow ◂ key |
Rght | The cursor arrow ▸ key |
Cut | The Cut key (or Ctrl+X) |
Cpy | The Copy key (or Ctrl+C) |
Pst | The Paste key (or Ctrl+V) |
The scancodes are as follows:
ScanCode | Address | Bitmask | Define |
0 | 0005C | 1 | KEY_CHEAT |
1 | 0005C | 2 | KEY_F1 |
2 | 0005C | 4 | KEY_F2 |
3 | 0005C | 8 | KEY_F3 |
4 | 0005C | 16 | KEY_F4 |
5 | 0005C | 32 | KEY_F5 |
6 | 0005C | 64 | KEY_F6 |
7 | 0005C | 128 | KEY_F7 |
8 | 0005D | 1 | KEY_F8 |
9 | 0005D | 2 | KEY_F9 |
10 | 0005D | 4 | KEY_F10 |
11 | 0005D | 8 | KEY_F11 |
12 | 0005D | 16 | KEY_F12 |
13 | 0005D | 32 | KEY_PRSCR |
14 | 0005D | 64 | KEY_SCRLOCK |
15 | 0005D | 128 | KEY_PAUSE |
16 | 0005E | 1 | KEY_BACKQUOTE |
17 | 0005E | 2 | KEY_1 |
18 | 0005E | 4 | KEY_2 |
19 | 0005E | 8 | KEY_3 |
20 | 0005E | 16 | KEY_4 |
21 | 0005E | 32 | KEY_5 |
22 | 0005E | 64 | KEY_6 |
23 | 0005E | 128 | KEY_7 |
24 | 0005F | 1 | KEY_8 |
25 | 0005F | 2 | KEY_9 |
26 | 0005F | 4 | KEY_0 |
27 | 0005F | 8 | KEY_MINUS |
28 | 0005F | 16 | KEY_EQUAL |
29 | 0005F | 32 | KEY_BACKSPACE |
30 | 0005F | 64 | KEY_TAB |
31 | 0005F | 128 | KEY_Q |
32 | 00060 | 1 | KEY_W |
33 | 00060 | 2 | KEY_E |
34 | 00060 | 4 | KEY_R |
35 | 00060 | 8 | KEY_T |
36 | 00060 | 16 | KEY_Y |
37 | 00060 | 32 | KEY_U |
38 | 00060 | 64 | KEY_I |
39 | 00060 | 128 | KEY_O |
40 | 00061 | 1 | KEY_P |
41 | 00061 | 2 | KEY_LBRACKET |
42 | 00061 | 4 | KEY_RBRACKET |
43 | 00061 | 8 | KEY_ENTER |
44 | 00061 | 16 | KEY_CAPSLOCK |
45 | 00061 | 32 | KEY_A |
46 | 00061 | 64 | KEY_S |
47 | 00061 | 128 | KEY_D |
48 | 00062 | 1 | KEY_F |
49 | 00062 | 2 | KEY_G |
50 | 00062 | 4 | KEY_H |
51 | 00062 | 8 | KEY_J |
52 | 00062 | 16 | KEY_K |
53 | 00062 | 32 | KEY_L |
54 | 00062 | 64 | KEY_SEMICOLON |
55 | 00062 | 128 | KEY_APOSTROPHE |
56 | 00063 | 1 | KEY_BACKSLASH |
57 | 00063 | 2 | KEY_LSHIFT |
58 | 00063 | 4 | KEY_LESS |
59 | 00063 | 8 | KEY_Z |
60 | 00063 | 16 | KEY_X |
61 | 00063 | 32 | KEY_C |
62 | 00063 | 64 | KEY_V |
63 | 00063 | 128 | KEY_B |
64 | 00064 | 1 | KEY_N |
65 | 00064 | 2 | KEY_M |
66 | 00064 | 4 | KEY_COMMA |
67 | 00064 | 8 | KEY_PERIOD |
68 | 00064 | 16 | KEY_SLASH |
69 | 00064 | 32 | KEY_RSHIFT |
70 | 00064 | 64 | KEY_LCTRL |
71 | 00064 | 128 | KEY_LSUPER |
72 | 00065 | 1 | KEY_LALT |
73 | 00065 | 2 | KEY_SPACE |
74 | 00065 | 4 | KEY_RALT |
75 | 00065 | 8 | KEY_RSUPER |
76 | 00065 | 16 | KEY_MENU |
77 | 00065 | 32 | KEY_RCTRL |
78 | 00065 | 64 | KEY_INS |
79 | 00065 | 128 | KEY_HOME |
80 | 00066 | 1 | KEY_PGUP |
81 | 00066 | 2 | KEY_DEL |
82 | 00066 | 4 | KEY_END |
83 | 00066 | 8 | KEY_PGDN |
84 | 00066 | 16 | KEY_UP |
85 | 00066 | 32 | KEY_LEFT |
86 | 00066 | 64 | KEY_DOWN |
87 | 00066 | 128 | KEY_RIGHT |
88 | 00067 | 1 | KEY_NUMLOCK |
89 | 00067 | 2 | KEY_KP_DIV |
90 | 00067 | 4 | KEY_KP_MUL |
91 | 00067 | 8 | KEY_KP_SUB |
92 | 00067 | 16 | KEY_KP_7 |
93 | 00067 | 32 | KEY_KP_8 |
94 | 00067 | 64 | KEY_KP_9 |
95 | 00067 | 128 | KEY_KP_ADD |
96 | 00068 | 1 | KEY_KP_4 |
97 | 00068 | 2 | KEY_KP_5 |
98 | 00068 | 4 | KEY_KP_6 |
99 | 00068 | 8 | KEY_KP_1 |
100 | 00068 | 16 | KEY_KP_2 |
101 | 00068 | 32 | KEY_KP_3 |
102 | 00068 | 64 | KEY_KP_ENTER |
103 | 00068 | 128 | KEY_KP_0 |
104 | 00069 | 1 | KEY_KP_DEC |
105 | 00069 | 2 | KEY_INT1 |
106 | 00069 | 4 | KEY_INT2 |
107 | 00069 | 8 | KEY_INT3 |
108 | 00069 | 16 | KEY_INT4 |
109 | 00069 | 32 | KEY_INT5 |
110 | 00069 | 64 | KEY_INT6 |
111 | 00069 | 128 | KEY_INT7 |
112 | 0006A | 1 | KEY_INT8 |
113 | 0006A | 2 | KEY_LNG1 |
114 | 0006A | 4 | KEY_LNG2 |
115 | 0006A | 8 | KEY_LNG3 |
116 | 0006A | 16 | KEY_LNG4 |
117 | 0006A | 32 | KEY_LNG5 |
118 | 0006A | 64 | KEY_LNG6 |
119 | 0006A | 128 | KEY_LNG7 |
120 | 0006B | 1 | KEY_LNG8 |
121 | 0006B | 2 | KEY_APP |
122 | 0006B | 4 | KEY_POWER |
123 | 0006B | 8 | KEY_KP_EQUAL |
124 | 0006B | 16 | KEY_EXEC |
125 | 0006B | 32 | KEY_HELP |
126 | 0006B | 64 | KEY_SELECT |
127 | 0006B | 128 | KEY_STOP |
128 | 0006C | 1 | KEY_AGAIN |
129 | 0006C | 2 | KEY_UNDO |
130 | 0006C | 4 | KEY_CUT |
131 | 0006C | 8 | KEY_COPY |
132 | 0006C | 16 | KEY_PASTE |
133 | 0006C | 32 | KEY_FIND |
134 | 0006C | 64 | KEY_MUTE |
135 | 0006C | 128 | KEY_VOLUP |
136 | 0006D | 1 | KEY_VOLDN |
Offset | Size | Description |
0006E | 2 | gamepad joystick threshold (defaults to 8000) |
00070 | 8 | primary gamepad - keyboard scancode mappings (see keyboard) |
00078 | 4 | 4 gamepads button pressed state (see getpad) |
The gamepad buttons are as follows:
Define | Bitmask | Description |
BTN_L | 1 | The ◁ button or joystick left |
BTN_U | 2 | The △ button or joystick up |
BTN_R | 4 | The ▷ button or joystick right |
BTN_D | 8 | The ▽ button or joystick down |
BTN_A | 16 | The Ⓐ button |
BTN_B | 32 | The Ⓑ button |
BTN_X | 64 | The Ⓧ button |
BTN_Y | 128 | The Ⓨ button |
The △△▽▽◁▷◁▷ⒷⒶ sequence makes the KEY_CHEAT "key" pressed.
Offset | Size | Description |
0007E | 1 | UNICODE code point upper bits for font glyph mapping |
0007F | 1 | sprite bank selector for the map |
00080 | 1024 | palette, 256 colors, each entry 4 bytes, RGBA |
00480 | 2 | x0, crop area X start in pixels (for all drawing functions) |
00482 | 2 | x1, crop area X end in pixels |
00484 | 2 | y0, crop area Y start in pixels |
00486 | 2 | y1, crop area Y end in pixels |
00488 | 2 | displayed vram X offset in pixels or 0xffff |
0048A | 2 | displayed vram Y offset in pixels or 0xffff |
0048C | 1 | turtle pen down flag (see up, down) |
0048D | 1 | turtle pen color, palette index 0 to 255 (see color) |
0048E | 2 | turtle direction in degrees, 0 to 359 (see left, right) |
00490 | 2 | turtle X offset in pixels (see move) |
00492 | 2 | turtle Y offset in pixels |
00494 | 2 | maze walking speed in 1/128 tiles (see maze) |
00496 | 2 | maze rotating speed in degrees (1 to 90) |
00498 | 1 | console foreground color, palette index 0 to 255 (see printf) |
00499 | 1 | console background color, palette index 0 to 255 |
0049A | 2 | console X offset in pixels |
0049C | 2 | console Y offset in pixels |
0049E | 2 | camera X offset in 3D space (see tri3d, tritx, mesh) |
004A0 | 2 | camera Y offset |
004A2 | 2 | camera Z offset |
004A4 | 2 | camera direction, pitch (0 up, 90 forward) |
004A6 | 2 | camera direction, yaw (0 left, 90 forward) |
004A8 | 1 | camera field of view in angles (45, negative gives orthographic) |
004AA | 2 | light source position X offset (see tri3d, tritx, mesh) |
004AC | 2 | light source position Y offset |
004AE | 2 | light source position Z offset |
00600 | 64000 | map, 320 x 200 sprite indices (see map and maze) |
10000 | 65536 | sprites, 256 x 256 palette indices, 1024 8 x 8 pixels (see spr) |
28000 | 32768 | window for 4096 font glyphs (see 0007E, width and text) |
Offset | Size | Description |
0007C | 1 | waveform bank selector (1 to 31) |
0007D | 1 | music track bank selector (0 to 7) |
004BA | 1 | current tempo (in ticks per row, read-only) |
004BB | 1 | current track being played (read-only) |
004BC | 2 | current row being played (read-only) |
004BE | 2 | number of total rows in current track (read-only) |
004C0 | 64 | 16 channel status registers, each 4 bytes (read-only) |
00500 | 256 | 64 sound effects, each 4 bytes |
20000 | 16384 | window for waveform samples (see 0007C) |
24000 | 16384 | window for music patterns (see 0007D) |
The DSP status registers are all read-only, and for each channel they look like:
Offset | Size | Description |
0 | 2 | current position in the waveform being played |
2 | 1 | current waveform (1 to 31, 0 if the channel is silent) |
3 | 1 | current volume (0 means channel is turned off) |
The first 4 channels are for the music, the rest for the sound effects.
Note that the waveform index 0 means "use the previous waveform", so index 0 cannot be used in the selector. The format of every other waveform:
Offset | Size | Description |
0 | 2 | number of samples |
2 | 2 | loop start |
4 | 2 | loop length |
6 | 1 | finetune value, -8 to 7 |
7 | 1 | volume, 0 to 64 |
8 | 16376 | signed 8-bit mono samples |
The format of the sound effects and the music tracks are the same, the only difference is, music tracks have 4 notes per row, one for each channel, and there are 1024 rows; while for sound effects there's only one note and 64 rows.
Offset | Size | Description |
0 | 1 | note number, see NOTE_x defines, 0 to 96 |
1 | 1 | waveform index, 0 to 31 |
2 | 1 | effect type, 0 to 255 (see note effects) |
3 | 1 | effect parameter |
The counting of notes goes as follows: 0 means no note set. Followed by 8 octaves, each with 12 notes, so 1 equals to C-0, 12 is B-0 (on the lowest octave), 13 is C-1 (one octave higher) and 14 is C#1 (C sharp, semitone higher). For example the D note on the 4th octave would be 1 + 4*12 + 2 = 51. The B-7 is 96, the highest note on the highest octave. You also have built-in defines, for example C-1 is NOTE_C_1 and C#1 is NOTE_Cs1, if you don't want to count then you can use these as well in your program.
For simplicity, MEG-4 uses the same codes as the Amiga MOD file (this way you'll see the same in the built-in editor as well as in a third party music tracker), but it does not support all of them. As said earlier, these codes are represented by three hex numbers, the first being the type t, and the last two the parameter, xy (or xx). The types E1 to ED are all stored in the type byte, although it looks like one of their nibble might belong to the parameter, but it's not.
Effect | Code | Description |
... | 000 | No effect |
Arp | 0xy | Arpeggio, play note, note+x semitone and note+y semitone |
Po/ | 1xx | Portamento up, slide period by x up |
Po\ | 2xx | Portamento down, slide period by x down |
Ptn | 3xx | Tone portamento, slide period to period x |
Vib | 4xy | Vibrato, oscillate the pitch by y semitones at x freq |
Ctv | 5xy | Continue Tone portamento + volume slide by x up or y down |
Cvv | 6xy | Continue Vibrato + volume slide by x up or by y down |
Trm | 7xy | Tremolo, oscillate the volume by y amplitude at x freq |
Ofs | 9xx | Set sample offset to x * 256 |
Vls | Axy | Slide volume by x up or by y down |
Jmp | Bxx | Position jump, set row to x * 64 |
Vol | Cxx | Set volume to x |
Fp/ | E1x | Fine portamento up, increase period by x |
Fp\ | E2x | Fine portamento down, decrease period by x |
Svw | E4x | Set vibrato waveform, 0 sine, 1 saw, 2 square, 3 noise |
Ftn | E5x | Set finetune, change tuning by x (-8 to 7) |
Stw | E7x | Set tremolo waveform, 0 sine, 1 saw, 2 square, 3 noise |
Rtg | E9x | Retrigger note, trigger current sample every x ticks |
Fv/ | EAx | Fine volume slide up, increase by x |
Fv\ | EBx | Fine volume slide down, decrease by x |
Cut | ECx | Cut note in x ticks |
Dly | EDx | Delay note in x ticks |
Tpr | Fxx | Set number of ticks per row to x (tick defalts to 6) |
Memory addresses from 00000 to 2FFFF belong to the MMIO, everything above (starting from 30000 or MEM_USER) is freely usable user memory.
Offset | Size | Description |
30000 | 4 | (BASIC only) offset of DATA |
30004 | 4 | (BASIC only) current READ counter |
30008 | 4 | (BASIC only) maximum READ, number of DATA |
This is followed by the global variables that you have declared in your program, followed by the constants, like string literals. In case of BASIC, then this is followed by the actual DATA records.
Memory addresses above the initialized data can be dynamically allocated and freed in your program via the malloc and free calls.
Lastly the stack, which is at the top (starting from C0000 or MEM_LIMIT) and growing downwards. Your program's local variables (that you declared inside a function) go here. The size of the stack always changes depending on which function calls which other function in your program.
If by any chance the top of the dynamically allocated data and the bottom of the stack would overlap, then MEG-4 throws an "Out of memory" error.
Some functions, printf, sprintf and trace use a format string that may contain special characters to reference arguments and to describe how to display them. These are:
Code | Description |
%% | The % character |
%d | Next parameter as a decimal number |
%u | Next parameter as an unsigned decimal number |
%x | Next parameter as a hexadecimal number |
%o | Next parameter as an octal number |
%b | Next parameter as a binary number |
%f | Next parameter as a floating point number |
%s | Next parameter as a string |
%c | Next parameter as an UTF-8 character |
%p | Next parameter as an address (pointer) |
\t | Tab, fix vertical position before continue |
\n | Start a new line |
You can add padding by specifying the length between % and the code. If that starts with 0, then value will be padded with zeros, otherwise with spaces. For example %4d will pad the value to the right with spaces, and %04x with zeros. The f accepts a number after a dot, which tells the number of digits in the fractional part (up to 8), eg. %.6f.
In MEG-4, the 3 dimensional space is handled according to the right-hand rule: +X is on the right, +Y is up, and +Z is towards the viewer.
+Y | |__ +X / +Z
Each point must be placed in the range -32767 to +32767. How this 3D world is projected to your 2D screen depends on how you configure the camera (see Graphics Processing Unit address 0049E). Of course, you have to place the camera in the world, with X, Y, Z coordinates. Then you have to tell where the camera is looking at, using pitch and yaw. Finally you also have to tell what kind of lens the camera has, by specifying the field of view angle. That latter normally should be between 30 (very narrow) and 180 degrees (like fish and birds). MEG-4 supports up to 127 degrees, but there's a trick. Positive FOV values will be projected as perspective (the farther the object is, the smaller it is), but negative values also handled, just with orthographic projection (no matter the distance, the object's size will be the same). Perspective is used in FPS games, while the orthographic projection is mostly preferred by strategy games.
You can display a set of triangles (a complete 3D model) using the mesh function efficiently. Because models probably have local coordinates, that would draw all models one on top of another around the origo. So if you want to dispay multiple models in the world, first you should translate them (place them) into world coordinates using trns, and then use the translated vertex cloud with mesh (moving and rotating the model around won't change the triangles, just their vertex coordinates).
Additional keyboard shortcuts you can use when editing the source:
Key | Description |
Ctrl+F | Find string |
Ctrl+G | Find again |
Ctrl+H | Search and replace (in the selected text, or in lack of that, in the entire source) |
Ctrl+J | Go to line |
Ctrl+D | Go to function definition |
Ctrl+N | List bookmarks |
Ctrl+B | Toggle bookmark on current line |
Ctrl+▴ | Go to previous bookmark |
Ctrl+▾ | Go to next bookmark |
Ctrl+◂ | Go to the beginning of the previous word |
Ctrl+▸ | Go to the end of the next word |
Ctrl+, | Decrease indentation of selection |
Ctrl+. | Increase indentation of selection |
Home | Move cursor to the beginning of the line |
End | Move cursor to the end of the line |
PgUp | Move cursor 42 lines (one page) up |
PgDown | Move cursor 42 lines (one page) down |
F1 | If the cursor is in an API's argument list, then go to function's built-in help page |
Regardless to platform's keyboard layout, all characters required for programing (and some more) can always be accessed:
Left Alt + |
( ) { } 〈 〉 ! ^ _ - = |
⇥ € ₹ ~ ¥ ° " [ ] |
↨ & $ @ ¦ # £ ; ' \ |
⇮ : ? 元 % + ✶ , . / |
See also the menu for alternative input methods and their keyboard shortcuts.
void putc(uint32_t chr)
Argument | Description |
chr | UTF-8 character |
void printf(str_t fmt, ...)
Argument | Description |
fmt | string to display, a format string |
... | optional arguments |
uint32_t getc(void)
str_t gets(void)
void trace(str_t fmt, ...)
Argument | Description |
fmt | format string |
... | optional arguments |
void delay(uint16_t msec)
Argument | Description |
msec | delay in milliseconds |
void exit(void)
void sfx(uint8_t sfx, uint8_t channel, uint8_t volume)
Argument | Description |
sfx | the index of the sound effect, 0 to 63 |
channel | channel to be used, 0 to 11 |
volume | volume to be used, 0 to 255, 0 turns off channel |
void music(uint8_t track, uint16_t row, uint8_t volume)
Argument | Description |
track | the index of the music track, 0 to 7 |
row | row to start playing from, 0 to 1023 (max song length) |
volume | volume to be used, 0 to 255, 0 turns off music |
uint32_t gpio_rev(void)
int gpio_get(uint8_t pin)
Argument | Description |
pin | physical pin number, 1 to 40 |
int gpio_set(uint8_t pin, int value)
Argument | Description |
pin | physical pin number, 1 to 40 |
value | 1 to set the pin high, 0 for low |
void cls(uint8_t palidx)
Argument | Description |
palidx | color, palette index 0 to 255 |
uint32_t cget(uint16_t x, uint16_t y)
Argument | Description |
x | X coordinate in pixels |
y | Y coordinate in pixels |
uint8_t pget(uint16_t x, uint16_t y)
Argument | Description |
x | X coordinate in pixels |
y | Y coordinate in pixels |
void pset(uint8_t palidx, uint16_t x, uint16_t y)
Argument | Description |
palidx | color, palette index 0 to 255 |
x | X coordinate in pixels |
y | Y coordinate in pixels |
uint16_t width(int8_t type, str_t str)
Argument | Description |
type | font type, -4 to 4 |
str | string to measure |
void text(uint8_t palidx, int16_t x, int16_t y, int8_t type, uint8_t shidx, uint8_t sha, str_t str)
Argument | Description |
palidx | color, palette index 0 to 255 |
x | X coordinate in pixels |
y | Y coordinate in pixels |
type | font type, -4 to -1 monospace, 1 to 4 proportional |
shidx | shadow's color, palette index 0 to 255 |
sha | shadow's alpha, 0 (fully transparent) to 255 (fully opaque) |
str | string to display |
void line(uint8_t palidx, int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1)
Argument | Description |
palidx | color, palette index 0 to 255 |
x0 | starting X coordinate in pixels |
y0 | starting Y coordinate in pixels |
x1 | ending X coordinate in pixels |
y1 | ending Y coordinate in pixels |
void qbez(uint8_t palidx, int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1,
int16_t cx, int16_t cy)
Argument | Description |
palidx | color, palette index 0 to 255 |
x0 | starting X coordinate in pixels |
y0 | starting Y coordinate in pixels |
x1 | ending X coordinate in pixels |
y1 | ending Y coordinate in pixels |
cx | control point X coordinate in pixels |
cy | control point Y coordinate in pixels |
void cbez(uint8_t palidx, int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1,
int16_t cx0, int16_t cy0, int16_t cx1, int16_t cy1)
Argument | Description |
palidx | color, palette index 0 to 255 |
x0 | starting X coordinate in pixels |
y0 | starting Y coordinate in pixels |
x1 | ending X coordinate in pixels |
y1 | ending Y coordinate in pixels |
cx0 | first control point X coordinate in pixels |
cy0 | first control point Y coordinate in pixels |
cx1 | second control point X coordinate in pixels |
cy1 | second control point Y coordinate in pixels |
void tri(uint8_t palidx, int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1, int16_t x2, int16_t y2)
Argument | Description |
palidx | color, palette index 0 to 255 |
x0 | first edge X coordinate in pixels |
y0 | first edge Y coordinate in pixels |
x1 | second edge X coordinate in pixels |
y1 | second edge Y coordinate in pixels |
x2 | third edge X coordinate in pixels |
y2 | third edge Y coordinate in pixels |
void ftri(uint8_t palidx, int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1, int16_t x2, int16_t y2)
Argument | Description |
palidx | color, palette index 0 to 255 |
x0 | first edge X coordinate in pixels |
y0 | first edge Y coordinate in pixels |
x1 | second edge X coordinate in pixels |
y1 | second edge Y coordinate in pixels |
x2 | third edge X coordinate in pixels |
y2 | third edge Y coordinate in pixels |
void tri2d(uint8_t pi0, int16_t x0, int16_t y0,
uint8_t pi1, int16_t x1, int16_t y1,
uint8_t pi2, int16_t x2, int16_t y2)
Argument | Description |
pi0 | first edge color, palette index 0 to 255 |
x0 | first edge X coordinate in pixels |
y0 | first edge Y coordinate in pixels |
pi1 | second edge color, palette index 0 to 255 |
x1 | second edge X coordinate in pixels |
y1 | second edge Y coordinate in pixels |
pi2 | third edge color, palette index 0 to 255 |
x2 | third edge X coordinate in pixels |
y2 | third edge Y coordinate in pixels |
void tri3d(uint8_t pi0, int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t z0,
uint8_t pi1, int16_t x1, int16_t y1, int16_t z1,
uint8_t pi2, int16_t x2, int16_t y2, int16_t z2)
Argument | Description |
pi0 | first edge color, palette index 0 to 255 |
x0 | first edge X coordinate in space |
y0 | first edge Y coordinate in space |
z0 | first edge Z coordinate in space |
pi1 | second edge color, palette index 0 to 255 |
x1 | second edge X coordinate in space |
y1 | second edge Y coordinate in space |
z1 | second edge Z coordinate in space |
pi2 | third edge color, palette index 0 to 255 |
x2 | third edge X coordinate in space |
y2 | third edge Y coordinate in space |
z2 | third edge Z coordinate in space |
void tritx(uint8_t u0, uint8_t v0, int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t z0,
uint8_t u1, uint8_t v1, int16_t x1, int16_t y1, int16_t z1,
uint8_t u2, uint8_t v2, int16_t x2, int16_t y2, int16_t z2)
Argument | Description |
u0 | first edge texture X coordinate 0 to 255 |
v0 | first edge texture Y coordinate 0 to 255 |
x0 | first edge X coordinate in space |
y0 | first edge Y coordinate in space |
z0 | first edge Z coordinate in space |
u1 | second edge texture X coordinate 0 to 255 |
v1 | second edge texture Y coordinate 0 to 255 |
x1 | second edge X coordinate in space |
y1 | second edge Y coordinate in space |
z1 | second edge Z coordinate in space |
u2 | third edge texture X coordinate 0 to 255 |
v2 | third edge texture Y coordinate 0 to 255 |
x2 | third edge X coordinate in space |
y2 | third edge Y coordinate in space |
z2 | third edge Z coordinate in space |
void mesh(addr_t verts, addr_t uvs, uint16_t numtri, addr_t tris)
Argument | Description |
verts | address of vertices array, 3 x 2 bytes each, X, Y, Z |
uvs | address of UVs array (if 0, then palette is used), 2 x 1 bytes each, texture X, Y |
numtri | number of triangles |
tris | address of triangles array with indices, 6 x 1 bytes each, vi1, ui1/pi1, vi2, ui2/pi2, vi3, ui3/pi3 |
void rect(uint8_t palidx, int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1)
Argument | Description |
palidx | color, palette index 0 to 255 |
x0 | top left corner X coordinate in pixels |
y0 | top left corner Y coordinate in pixels |
x1 | bottom right X coordinate in pixels |
y1 | bottom right Y coordinate in pixels |
void frect(uint8_t palidx, int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1)
Argument | Description |
palidx | color, palette index 0 to 255 |
x0 | top left corner X coordinate in pixels |
y0 | top left corner Y coordinate in pixels |
x1 | bottom right X coordinate in pixels |
y1 | bottom right Y coordinate in pixels |
void circ(uint8_t palidx, int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t r)
Argument | Description |
palidx | color, palette index 0 to 255 |
x | center X coordinate in pixels |
y | center Y coordinate in pixels |
r | radius in pixels |
void fcirc(uint8_t palidx, int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t r)
Argument | Description |
palidx | color, palette index 0 to 255 |
x | center X coordinate in pixels |
y | center Y coordinate in pixels |
r | radius in pixels |
void ellip(uint8_t palidx, int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1)
Argument | Description |
palidx | color, palette index 0 to 255 |
x0 | top left corner X coordinate in pixels |
y0 | top left corner Y coordinate in pixels |
x1 | bottom right X coordinate in pixels |
y1 | bottom right Y coordinate in pixels |
void fellip(uint8_t palidx, int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1)
Argument | Description |
palidx | color, palette index 0 to 255 |
x0 | top left corner X coordinate in pixels |
y0 | top left corner Y coordinate in pixels |
x1 | bottom right X coordinate in pixels |
y1 | bottom right Y coordinate in pixels |
void move(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t deg)
Argument | Description |
x | X coordinate in pixels (or 1/128 tiles with maze) |
y | Y coordinate in pixels |
deg | direction in degrees, 0 to 359, 0 is upwards on screen, 90 is to the right |
void left(uint16_t deg)
Argument | Description |
deg | change in degrees, 0 to 359 |
void right(uint16_t deg)
Argument | Description |
deg | change in degrees, 0 to 359 |
void up(void)
void down(void)
void color(uint8_t palidx)
Argument | Description |
palidx | color, palette index 0 to 255 |
void forw(uint16_t cnt)
Argument | Description |
cnt | amount in pixels (or 1/128 tiles with maze) |
void back(uint16_t cnt)
Argument | Description |
cnt | amount in pixels (or 1/128 tiles with maze) |
void spr(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t sprite, uint8_t sw, uint8_t sh, int8_t scale, uint8_t type)
Argument | Description |
x | X coordinate in pixels |
y | Y coordinate in pixels |
sprite | sprite id, 0 to 1023 |
sw | number of horizontal sprites |
sh | number of vertical sprites |
scale | scale, -3 to 4 |
type | transform, 0=normal, 1=rotate 90, 2=rotate 180, 3=rotate 270, 4=flip vertically, 5=flip+90, 6=flip horizontally, 7=flip+270 |
void dlg(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, int8_t scale,
uint16_t tl, uint16_t tm, uint16_t tr,
uint16_t ml, uint16_t bg, uint16_t mr,
uint16_t bl, uint16_t bm, uint16_t br)
Argument | Description |
x | X coordinate in pixels |
y | Y coordinate in pixels |
w | dialog width in pixels |
h | dialog height in pixels |
scale | scale, -3 to 4 |
tl | top left corner sprite id |
tm | top middle sprite id |
tr | top right corner sprite id |
ml | middle left side sprite id |
bg | background sprite id |
mr | middle right side sprite id |
bl | bottom left corner sprite id |
bm | bottom middle sprite id |
br | bottom right corner sprite id |
void stext(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t fs, uint16_t fu, uint8_t sw, uint8_t sh, int8_t scale, str_t str)
Argument | Description |
x | X coordinate in pixels |
y | Y coordinate in pixels |
fs | first sprite id to be used for displaying |
fu | first UNICODE (smallest character) in string |
sw | number of horizontal sprites |
sh | number of vertical sprites |
scale | scale, -3 to 4 |
str | zero terminated UTF-8 string |
void remap(addr_t replace)
Argument | Description |
replace | an array of 256 sprite ids |
uint16_t mget(uint16_t mx, uint16_t my)
Argument | Description |
mx | X coordinate on map in tiles |
my | Y coordinate on map in tiles |
void mset(uint16_t mx, uint16_t my, uint16_t sprite)
Argument | Description |
mx | X coordinate on map in tiles |
my | Y coordinate on map in tiles |
sprite | sprite id, 0 to 1023 |
void map(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t mx, uint16_t my, uint16_t mw, uint16_t mh, int8_t scale)
Argument | Description |
x | X coordinate in pixels |
y | Y coordinate in pixels |
mx | X coordinate on map in tiles |
my | Y coordinate on map in tiles |
mw | number of horizontal tiles |
mh | number of vertical tiles |
scale | scale, -3 to 4 |
void maze(uint16_t mx, uint16_t my, uint16_t mw, uint16_t mh, uint8_t scale,
uint16_t sky, uint16_t grd, uint16_t door, uint16_t wall, uint16_t obj, uint8_t numnpc, addr_t npc)
Argument | Description |
mx | X coordinate on map in tiles |
my | Y coordinate on map in tiles |
mw | number of horizontal tiles |
mh | number of vertical tiles |
scale | number of sprites per tiles in power of two, 0 to 3 |
sky | sky tile index |
grd | ground tile index |
door | first door tile index |
wall | first wall tile index |
obj | first object tile index |
numnpc | number of NPC records |
npc | an uint32_t array of numnpc times x,y,tile index triplets |
int getpad(int pad, int btn)
Argument | Description |
pad | gamepad index, 0 to 3 |
btn | one of the gamepad buttons, BTN_ |
int prspad(int pad, int btn)
Argument | Description |
pad | gamepad index, 0 to 3 |
btn | one of the gamepad buttons, BTN_ |
int relpad(int pad, int btn)
Argument | Description |
pad | gamepad index, 0 to 3 |
btn | one of the gamepad buttons, BTN_ |
int getbtn(int btn)
Argument | Description |
btn | one of the pointer buttons, BTN_ or SCR_ |
int getclk(int btn)
Argument | Description |
btn | one of the pointer buttons, BTN_ |
int getkey(int sc)
Argument | Description |
sc | scancode, 1 to 144, see keyboard |
uint32_t popkey(void)
int pendkey(void)
int lenkey(uint32_t key)
Argument | Description |
key | the key, popped from the queue |
int speckey(uint32_t key)
Argument | Description |
key | the key, popped from the queue |
uint32_t rand(void)
float rnd(void)
float float(int val)
Argument | Description |
val | value |
int int(float val)
Argument | Description |
val | value |
float floor(float val)
Argument | Description |
val | value |
float ceil(float val)
Argument | Description |
val | value |
float sgn(float val)
Argument | Description |
val | value |
float abs(float val)
Argument | Description |
val | value |
float exp(float val)
Argument | Description |
val | value |
float log(float val)
Argument | Description |
val | value |
float pow(float val, float exp)
Argument | Description |
val | value |
exp | exponent |
float sqrt(float val)
Argument | Description |
val | value |
float rsqrt(float val)
Argument | Description |
val | value |
float clamp(float val, float minv, float maxv)
Argument | Description |
val | value |
minv | minimum value |
maxv | maximum value |
float lerp(float a, float b, float t)
Argument | Description |
a | first float number |
b | second float number |
t | interpolation value between 0.0 and 1.0 |
float pi(void)
float cos(uint16_t deg)
Argument | Description |
deg | degree, 0 to 359, 0 is up, 90 on the right |
float sin(uint16_t deg)
Argument | Description |
deg | degree, 0 to 359, 0 is up, 90 to the right |
float tan(uint16_t deg)
Argument | Description |
deg | degree, 0 to 359, 0 is up, 90 to the right |
uint16_t acos(float val)
Argument | Description |
val | value, -1.0 to 1.0 |
uint16_t asin(float val)
Argument | Description |
val | value, -1.0 to 1.0 |
uint16_t atan(float val)
Argument | Description |
val | value, -1.0 to 1.0 |
uint16_t atan2(float y, float x)
Argument | Description |
y | Y coordinate |
x | X coordinate |
float dotv2(addr_t a, addr_t b)
Argument | Description |
a | address of two floats |
b | address of two floats |
float lenv2(addr_t a)
Argument | Description |
a | address of two floats |
void scalev2(addr_t a, float s)
Argument | Description |
a | address of two floats |
s | scaler value |
void negv2(addr_t a)
Argument | Description |
a | address of two floats |
void addv2(addr_t dst, addr_t a, addr_t b)
Argument | Description |
dst | address of two floats |
a | address of two floats |
b | address of two floats |
void subv2(addr_t dst, addr_t a, addr_t b)
Argument | Description |
dst | address of two floats |
a | address of two floats |
b | address of two floats |
void mulv2(addr_t dst, addr_t a, addr_t b)
Argument | Description |
dst | address of two floats |
a | address of two floats |
b | address of two floats |
void divv2(addr_t dst, addr_t a, addr_t b)
Argument | Description |
dst | address of two floats |
a | address of two floats |
b | address of two floats |
void clampv2(addr_t dst, addr_t v, addr_t minv, addr_t maxv)
Argument | Description |
dst | address of two floats |
v | address of two floats, input |
minv | address of two floats, minimum |
maxv | address of two floats, maximum |
void lerpv2(addr_t dst, addr_t a, addr_t b, float t)
Argument | Description |
dst | address of two floats |
a | address of two floats |
b | address of two floats |
t | interpolation value between 0.0 and 1.0 |
void normv2(addr_t a)
Argument | Description |
a | address of two floats |
float dotv3(addr_t a, addr_t b)
Argument | Description |
a | address of three floats |
b | address of three floats |
float lenv3(addr_t a)
Argument | Description |
a | address of three floats |
void scalev3(addr_t a, float s)
Argument | Description |
a | address of three floats |
s | scaler value |
void negv3(addr_t a)
Argument | Description |
a | address of three floats |
void addv3(addr_t dst, addr_t a, addr_t b)
Argument | Description |
dst | address of three floats |
a | address of three floats |
b | address of three floats |
void subv3(addr_t dst, addr_t a, addr_t b)
Argument | Description |
dst | address of three floats |
a | address of three floats |
b | address of three floats |
void mulv3(addr_t dst, addr_t a, addr_t b)
Argument | Description |
dst | address of three floats |
a | address of three floats |
b | address of three floats |
void divv3(addr_t dst, addr_t a, addr_t b)
Argument | Description |
dst | address of three floats |
a | address of three floats |
b | address of three floats |
void crossv3(addr_t dst, addr_t a, addr_t b)
Argument | Description |
dst | address of three floats |
a | address of three floats |
b | address of three floats |
void clampv3(addr_t dst, addr_t v, addr_t minv, addr_t maxv)
Argument | Description |
dst | address of three floats |
v | address of three floats, input |
minv | address of three floats, minimum |
maxv | address of three floats, maximum |
void lerpv3(addr_t dst, addr_t a, addr_t b, float t)
Argument | Description |
dst | address of three floats |
a | address of three floats |
b | address of three floats |
t | interpolation value between 0.0 and 1.0 |
void normv3(addr_t a)
Argument | Description |
a | address of three floats |
float dotv4(addr_t a, addr_t b)
Argument | Description |
a | address of four floats |
b | address of four floats |
float lenv4(addr_t a)
Argument | Description |
a | address of four floats |
void scalev4(addr_t a, float s)
Argument | Description |
a | address of four floats |
s | scaler value |
void negv4(addr_t a)
Argument | Description |
a | address of four floats |
void addv4(addr_t dst, addr_t a, addr_t b)
Argument | Description |
dst | address of four floats |
a | address of four floats |
b | address of four floats |
void subv4(addr_t dst, addr_t a, addr_t b)
Argument | Description |
dst | address of four floats |
a | address of four floats |
b | address of four floats |
void mulv4(addr_t dst, addr_t a, addr_t b)
Argument | Description |
dst | address of four floats |
a | address of four floats |
b | address of four floats |
void divv4(addr_t dst, addr_t a, addr_t b)
Argument | Description |
dst | address of four floats |
a | address of four floats |
b | address of four floats |
void clampv4(addr_t dst, addr_t v, addr_t minv, addr_t maxv)
Argument | Description |
dst | address of four floats |
v | address of four floats, input |
minv | address of four floats, minimum |
maxv | address of four floats, maximum |
void lerpv4(addr_t dst, addr_t a, addr_t b, float t)
Argument | Description |
dst | address of four floats |
a | address of four floats |
b | address of four floats |
t | interpolation value between 0.0 and 1.0 |
void normv4(addr_t a)
Argument | Description |
a | address of four floats |
void idq(addr_t a)
Argument | Description |
a | address of four floats |
void eulerq(addr_t dst, uint16_t pitch, uint16_t yaw, uint16_t roll)
Argument | Description |
dst | address of four floats |
pitch | rotation around X axis in degrees, 0 to 359 |
yaw | rotation around Y axis in degrees, 0 to 359 |
roll | rotation around Z axis in degrees, 0 to 359 |
float dotq(addr_t a, addr_t b)
Argument | Description |
a | address of four floats |
b | address of four floats |
float lenq(addr_t a)
Argument | Description |
a | address of four floats |
void scaleq(addr_t a, float s)
Argument | Description |
a | address of four floats |
s | scaler value |
void negq(addr_t a)
Argument | Description |
a | address of four floats |
void addq(addr_t dst, addr_t a, addr_t b)
Argument | Description |
dst | address of four floats |
a | address of four floats |
b | address of four floats |
void subq(addr_t dst, addr_t a, addr_t b)
Argument | Description |
dst | address of four floats |
a | address of four floats |
b | address of four floats |
void mulq(addr_t dst, addr_t a, addr_t b)
Argument | Description |
dst | address of four floats |
a | address of four floats |
b | address of four floats |
void rotq(addr_t dst, addr_t q, addr_t v)
Argument | Description |
dst | address of three floats |
q | address of four floats |
v | address of three floats |
void lerpq(addr_t dst, addr_t a, addr_t b, float t)
Argument | Description |
dst | address of four floats |
a | address of four floats |
b | address of four floats |
t | interpolation value between 0.0 and 1.0 |
void slerpq(addr_t dst, addr_t a, addr_t b, float t)
Argument | Description |
dst | address of four floats |
a | address of four floats |
b | address of four floats |
t | interpolation value between 0.0 and 1.0 |
void normq(addr_t a)
Argument | Description |
a | address of four floats |
void idm4(addr_t a)
Argument | Description |
a | address of 16 floats |
void trsm4(addr_t dst, addr_t t, addr_t r, addr_t s)
Argument | Description |
dst | address of 16 floats, destination matrix |
t | address of three floats, translation vector |
r | address of four floats, rotation quaternion |
s | address of three floats, scaling vector |
float detm4(addr_t a)
Argument | Description |
a | address of 16 floats |
void addm4(addr_t dst, addr_t a, addr_t b)
Argument | Description |
dst | address of 16 floats |
a | address of 16 floats |
b | address of 16 floats |
void subm4(addr_t dst, addr_t a, addr_t b)
Argument | Description |
dst | address of 16 floats |
a | address of 16 floats |
b | address of 16 floats |
void mulm4(addr_t dst, addr_t a, addr_t b)
Argument | Description |
dst | address of 16 floats |
a | address of 16 floats |
b | address of 16 floats |
void mulm4v3(addr_t dst, addr_t m, addr_t v)
Argument | Description |
dst | address of three floats |
m | address of 16 floats |
v | address of three floats |
void mulm4v4(addr_t dst, addr_t m, addr_t v)
Argument | Description |
dst | address of four floats |
m | address of 16 floats |
v | address of four floats |
void invm4(addr_t dst, addr_t a)
Argument | Description |
dst | address of 16 floats |
a | address of 16 floats |
void trpm4(addr_t dst, addr_t a)
Argument | Description |
dst | address of 16 floats |
a | address of 16 floats |
void trns(addr_t dst, addr_t src, uint8_t num,
int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t z,
uint16_t pitch, uint16_t yaw, uint16_t roll,
float scale)
Argument | Description |
dst | destination vertices array, 3 x 2 bytes each, X, Y, Z |
src | source vertices array, 3 x 2 bytes each, X, Y, Z |
num | number of vertex coordinate triplets in the array |
x | world X coordinate, -32767 to 32767 |
y | world Y coordinate, -32767 to 32767 |
z | world Z coordinate, -32767 to 32767 |
pitch | rotation around X axis in degrees, 0 to 359 |
yaw | rotation around Y axis in degrees, 0 to 359 |
roll | rotation around Z axis in degrees, 0 to 359 |
scale | scale, use 1.0 to keep original size |
uint8_t inb(addr_t src)
Argument | Description |
src | address, 0x00000 to 0xBFFFF |
uint16_t inw(addr_t src)
Argument | Description |
src | address, 0x00000 to 0xBFFFE |
uint32_t ini(addr_t src)
Argument | Description |
src | address, 0x00000 to 0xBFFFC |
void outb(addr_t dst, uint8_t value)
Argument | Description |
dst | address, 0x00000 to 0xBFFFF |
value | value to set, 0 to 255 |
void outw(addr_t dst, uint16_t value)
Argument | Description |
dst | address, 0x00000 to 0xBFFFE |
value | value to set, 0 to 65535 |
void outi(addr_t dst, uint32_t value)
Argument | Description |
dst | address, 0x00000 to 0xBFFFC |
value | value to set, 0 to 4294967295 |
int memsave(uint8_t overlay, addr_t src, uint32_t size)
Argument | Description |
overlay | index of overlay to write to, 0 to 255 |
src | memory offset to save from, 0x00000 to 0xBFFFF |
size | number of bytes to save |
int memload(addr_t dst, uint8_t overlay, uint32_t maxsize)
Argument | Description |
dst | memory offset to load to, 0x00000 to 0xBFFFF |
overlay | index of overlay to read from, 0 to 255 |
maxsize | maximum number of bytes to load |
void memcpy(addr_t dst, addr_t src, uint32_t len)
Argument | Description |
dst | destination address, 0x00000 to 0xBFFFF |
src | source address, 0x00000 to 0xBFFFF |
len | number of bytes to copy |
void memset(addr_t dst, uint8_t value, uint32_t len)
Argument | Description |
dst | destination address, 0x00000 to 0xBFFFF |
value | value to set, 0 to 255 |
len | number of bytes to set |
int memcmp(addr_t addr0, addr_t addr1, uint32_t len)
Argument | Description |
addr0 | first address, 0x00000 to 0xBFFFF |
addr1 | second address, 0x00000 to 0xBFFFF |
len | number of bytes to compare |
int deflate(addr_t dst, addr_t src, uint32_t len)
Argument | Description |
dst | destination address, 0x30000 to 0xBFFFF |
src | source address, 0x30000 to 0xBFFFF |
len | number of bytes to compress |
int inflate(addr_t dst, addr_t src, uint32_t len)
Argument | Description |
dst | destination address, 0x30000 to 0xBFFFF |
src | source address, 0x30000 to 0xBFFFF |
len | number of compressed bytes |
float time(void)
uint32_t now(void)
int atoi(str_t src)
Argument | Description |
src | string address, 0x00000 to 0xBFFFF |
str_t itoa(int value)
Argument | Description |
value | the value, -2147483648 to 2147483647 |
float val(str_t src)
Argument | Description |
src | string address, 0x00000 to 0xBFFFF |
str_t str(float value)
Argument | Description |
value | the value |
str_t sprintf(str_t fmt, ...)
Argument | Description |
fmt | format string |
... | optional arguments |
int strlen(str_t src)
Argument | Description |
src | string address, 0x00000 to 0xBFFFF |
int mblen(str_t src)
Argument | Description |
src | string address, 0x00000 to 0xBFFFF |
addr_t malloc(uint32_t size)
Argument | Description |
size | number of bytes to allocate |
addr_t realloc(addr_t addr, uint32_t size)
Argument | Description |
addr | address of the allocated buffer |
size | number of bytes to resize to |
int free(addr_t addr)
Argument | Description |
addr | address of the allocated buffer |
In this tutorial we'll create a program that bounces a ball on the screen.
First things first, start meg4 and select the Sprite Editor (press F3). Select the first sprite on the right, and edit it on the left.
Now go to the Code Editor (press F2). At first, our program will be an empty skeleton.
void setup()
/* Things to do on startup */
void loop()
/* Things to run for every frame, at 60 FPS */
Let's place this newly drawn sprite on screen! You can do this by calling the spr function. Go to the body of the setup() function, start typing, and at the bottom in the statusbar you'll see the required parameters.
We can see that the first two arguments are x, y, the screen coordinate where we want to place the sprite (if it's not obvious from the name what a parameter does, just press F1 and a detailed help will show up. Pressing Esc there will bring you back to the code editor). The screen is 320 pixels wide and 200 pixels tall, so in order to place at the centre, let's use 160, 100. Next argument is the sprite. We've drawn our ball at the 0th sprite, so use 0. After comes sw (sprite width) and sh (sprite height), which tells how many sprites we want to display. Our ball only occupies 1 sprite, so simply write 1, 1. Then comes scale, but we don't want to magnify our ball, so just use 1 here too. Finally, the last parameter is type, which can be used to display the sprite transformed. We don't want any transformation, so just use 0.
void setup()
/* Things to do on startup */
spr(160, 100, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0);
void loop()
/* Things to run for every frame, at 60 FPS */
Now try running this code by pressing Ctrl+R, and let's see what happens. If you have made some mistake by typing the code, an error message will show up in the status bar, and the cursor will be positioned to the faulting part.
If everything went well, then the editor screen will disappear, and black screen with the ball in the middle will appear instead. Our ball isn't exactly at the centre, because we forgot to subtract the half of the sprite's size from the coordinates (we are displaying only one sprite here (sw = 1 and sh = 1), so 8 x 8 pixels in total, half of that is 4). Press F2 to go back to the editor, and let's fix this.
void setup()
/* Things to do on startup */
spr(156, 96, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0);
void loop()
/* Things to run for every frame, at 60 FPS */
Let's run this again! We have the ball at proper position, but we can still see it at the wrong position! That's because we haven't cleared the screen. We can do that by calling cls, so let's add that before drawing the sprite.
void setup()
/* Things to do on startup */
spr(156, 96, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0);
void loop()
/* Things to run for every frame, at 60 FPS */
Now everything is fine, our ball shown at exactly the centre of the screen.
There's a problem in our code. We display the ball in setup() which only runs once when our program starts. To move the ball, we have to display it over and over again, at different positions. To achieve this, let's move the code that displays our ball into the loop() function. This runs every time when the screen is redrawn.
void setup()
/* Things to do on startup */
void loop()
/* Things to run for every frame, at 60 FPS */
spr(156, 96, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0);}
If we press Ctrl+R now, then the ball will be displayed exactly as before. What we can't see is that the ball is now drawn not only once, but over and over again.
Let's move that ball! It is displayed at the same position, because we have used constant coordinates. Let's fix this by introducing two variables, which will store the ball's current position on screen.
int x, y;
void setup()
/* Things to do on startup */
void loop()
/* Things to run for every frame, at 60 FPS */
spr(156, 96, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0);
Replace the coordinates in drawing call to these variables, and let's assign them values on program start.
int x, y;
void setup()
/* Things to do on startup */
x = 156;
y = 96;}
void loop()
/* Things to run for every frame, at 60 FPS */
spr(x, y, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0);
If we run our program now, there'll be still no change. However using variables we can now change the ball's position in run-time, let's do that.
int x, y;
void setup()
/* Things to do on startup */
x = 156;
y = 96;
void loop()
/* Things to run for every frame, at 60 FPS */
spr(x, y, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0);
x = x + 1;
y = y + 1;}
Run this program, and you'll see the ball moving!
We are not ready yet, because our ball disappears pretty quickly from the screen. This is because we constantly increasing its coordinates, and we don't change its direction when it reaches the edge of the screen.
Just like as we did with the coordinates at first, we are using a constant and now we want to change the direction in our program dynamically. The solution is the same, we replace the constants with two new variables.
int x, y, dx, dy;
void setup()
/* Things to do on startup */
x = 156;
y = 96;
dx = dy = 1;
void loop()
/* Things to run for every frame, at 60 FPS */
spr(x, y, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0);
x = x + dx;
y = y + dy;
Great! As mentioned before, the screen is 320 pixels wide and 200 pixels tall. This means that the valid values for the x coordinate are between 0 and 319, and for y between 0 and 199. But we don't want our ball to disappear from the screen, so we have to subtract the sprite's size (8 x 8 pixels) from these. This gives 0 to 311 for x, and 0 to 191 for y. If our ball's coordinate reaches one of these values, then we must change it's direction so that it won't leave the screen.
int x, y, dx, dy;
void setup()
/* Things to do on startup */
x = 156;
y = 96;
dx = dy = 1;
void loop()
/* Things to run for every frame, at 60 FPS */
spr(x, y, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0);
x = x + dx;
y = y + dy;
if(x == 0 || x == 311) dx = -dx;
if(y == 0 || y == 191) dy = -dy;}
Run this program by pressing Ctrl+R. Congratulations, you have a moving ball that bounces off the screen edges!
A game that we can't play with isn't very interesing. So we'll add a bat that the player can control.
Go to the Sprite Editor (press F3) and let's draw the bat. This time we'll make it three sprites wide. You can draw these one by one, or you can select multiple sprites on the right and edit them together on the left.
Just like with the ball, we'll use spr to display it on screen. But we also know that we'll need a variable to store its position, so let's add that too at once.
int x, y, dx, dy, px;
void setup()
/* Things to do on startup */
x = 156;
y = 96;
dx = dy = 1;
void loop()
/* Things to run for every frame, at 60 FPS */
spr(x, y, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0);
spr(px, 191, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0);
x = x + dx;
y = y + dy;
if(x == 0 || x == 311) dx = -dx;
if(y == 0 || y == 191) dy = -dy;
So the x argument becomes px, and we don't want to move the bat vertically, just horizontally, so the y argument is a constant 191. Because we draw the bat at the 1st sprite, the sprite parameter is 1. And because it is three sprites wide, sw is 3, but it is still just one sprite tall, so sh is 1.
So far so good, but how will the player move this bat with the mouse? We'll set the mouse coordinate to the px variable for that. If you go the memory map, then under pointer you can see that the mouse's X coordinate is stored on 2 bytes at address 00016. To get this value, we use the inw function (word, because we need 2 bytes). But we also must not allow moving the bat off screen, so we clamp if the coordinate is bigger than the screen size minus the bat's size (which is three sprites, so 24 pixels). One more thing, the offsets in the memory map are given in hexadecimal, so we need the 0x prefix to tell the compiler that this is a hexadecimal number.
int x, y, dx, dy, px;
void setup()
/* Things to do on startup */
x = 156;
y = 96;
dx = dy = 1;
void loop()
/* Things to run for every frame, at 60 FPS */
spr(x, y, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0);
px = inw(0x16);
if(px > 296) px = 296; spr(px, 191, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0);
x = x + dx;
y = y + dy;
if(x == 0 || x == 311) dx = -dx;
if(y == 0 || y == 191) dy = -dy;
Let's run this program! We can see the bat and we can also move it around with the mouse. But there's a problem. The ball doesn't care where the bat is. Let's fix this by modifying the screen bottom check to a bat position check so that it would bounce on the bat only. Don't forget that the ball is 8 pixels tall, so we must check at a smaller coordinate.
int x, y, dx, dy, px;
void setup()
/* Things to do on startup */
x = 156;
y = 96;
dx = dy = 1;
void loop()
/* Things to run for every frame, at 60 FPS */
spr(x, y, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0);
px = inw(0x16);
if(px > 296) px = 296;
spr(px, 191, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0);
x = x + dx;
y = y + dy;
if(x == 0 || x == 311) dx = -dx;
if(y == 0 || (y == 183 && x >= px && x <= px + 24)) dy = -dy;
This means the y coordinate is zero, or it is 183 and at the same time the x coordinate is between px and px + 24 (where px is the bat's position).
Now that we have changed the bottom check, we have to add a new check to see if the ball has left the screen. Of course this would mean game over.
First, remember that loop() runs constantly, so to stop moving the ball any further, we set the dx and dy variables to zero. Second, we want to display a game over message.
int x, y, dx, dy, px;
str_t msg = "GAME OVER!";
void setup()
/* Things to do on startup */
x = 156;
y = 96;
dx = dy = 1;
void loop()
/* Things to run for every frame, at 60 FPS */
spr(x, y, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0);
px = inw(0x16);
if(px > 296) px = 296;
spr(px, 191, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0);
x = x + dx;
y = y + dy;
if(x == 0 || x == 311) dx = -dx;
if(y == 0 || (y == 183 && x >= px && x <= px + 24)) dy = -dy;
if(y > 199) {
dx = dy = 0;
text(184, (320 - width(2, msg)) / 2, 90, 2, 112, 128, msg);
We can display text on screen using the text function. At the bottom, the quick help shows what arguments it has. The first one is palidx, which is a palette index, the color of the text. Press F3 and click on the desired color. At the bottom, we'll see the index in hexadecimal and in parenthesis in decimal as well.
I have choosen a red color, by the index B8 or 184 in decimal. Let's go back to the code editor by pressing F2, and enter this number. The next two arguments are x and y, the position on screen. We could have count the number of pixels in the text, but we are lazy, so we use the width function for that. Subtracting this from the width of the screen and dividing by two will place the text exactly at the middle. Because we are too lazy to type the text twice, we've also used a string variable msg to store the message. Therefore we use msg once when we calculate its size, and also when we pass it to the display function to say what to print. After the coordinates comes the type, which is the font's type, or more specifically its size. We want big letters, so we've used 2, double size. After this comes the shadow, shidx, which is also a color index. I've choosen a darker red here. For a shadow, it is important how transparent it is, we can specify this in the sha argument. That is an alpha channel value from 0 (fully transparent) to 255 (fully opaque). By using 128, which is half way between these values, I've told to use half transparent. And finally the str argument specifies the text to be displayed, which we store in the msg variable.
And last, if the player clicks, we want to restart the game.
int x, y, dx, dy, px;
str_t msg = "GAME OVER!";
void setup()
/* Things to do on startup */
x = 156;
y = 96;
dx = dy = 1;
void loop()
/* Things to run for every frame, at 60 FPS */
spr(x, y, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0);
px = inw(0x16);
if(px > 296) px = 296;
spr(px, 191, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0);
x = x + dx;
y = y + dy;
if(x == 0 || x == 311) dx = -dx;
if(y == 0 || (y == 183 && x >= px && x <= px + 24)) dy = -dy;
if(y > 199) {
dx = dy = 0;
text(184, (320 - width(2, msg)) / 2, 90, 2, 112, 128, msg);
if(getclk(BTN_L)) setup();
To query if the user has clicked, we use the getclk function, with a BTN_L argument, meaning is the left button clicked. We've used the setup() function to set the default values for our little bouncing ball game. This is very convenient, because calling setup() now will therefore simply reset our game.
In this tutorial we'll create a walking character using sprites. This is the basis of many adventure and rouge-like games.
We could draw the sprites ourselves, but for simplicity I've downloaded a public domain sheet from the internet. This contains three animation phases in every line, and has one line per all 4 directions. There are lots of spritesheets on the net like this, because this is the popular RPG Maker's sprite layout.
Always check the licensing terms when you use assets downloaded from the internet. Do not use the asset if you're unsure about its terms of use.
Start meg4 and drag'n'drop this downloaded PNG image on the window to import.
As you can see, one character sprite is made up of 4 x 4 sprites. Let's display that! Press F2 to go to the Code Editor.
We start with the usual skeleton. We know from the previous tutorial that we'll have to clear the screen and display the sprites using spr in the loop() function, because animation requires constant redrawing.
void setup()
/* Things to do on startup */
void loop()
/* Things to run for every frame, at 60 FPS */
spr(144, 84, 0, 4, 4, 0, 0);}
The centre of the screen is at 160, 100 but our character is 4 x 4 sprites in size (32 x 32 pixels), so we have to subtract the half of that. Then comes 0 for sprite, meaning the first sprite, followed by 4, 4 because we want to display that many sprites. The last two parameters are 0, 0 because we don't want to scale nor transform, we want the sprites to be displayed exactly as they appear in the Sprite Editor.
Next, let's allow changing the direction in which the character is pointing to. For that, we'll use getpad, which returns the gamepad's state. The primary gamepad controller is mapped to the keyboard, so pressing the cursor arrow keys will work too. To handle the direction, we'll need a variable to store the current direction, and this should select the sprite we draw.
You can press F3 and click on the top left sprite of the character frame to get the sprite id for that direction. We set these ids in the dir variable, and then we'll use this variable in place of the sprite parameter.
int dir;
void setup()
/* Things to do on startup */
void loop()
/* Get user input */
if(getpad(0, BTN_D)) {
dir = 0;
} else
if(getpad(0, BTN_L)) {
dir = 128;
} else
if(getpad(0, BTN_R)) {
dir = 256;
} else
if(getpad(0, BTN_U)) {
dir = 384;
} /* Display the character */
spr(144, 84, dir, 4, 4, 0, 0);
Try it out! You'll see that by pressing the arrows our character will change directions.
Our character doesn't walk yet. Let's fix it! We want our character to walk when a button (or arrow key) is pressed, and stop when that's released. For that, we'll need a variable to keep track if the button is currently pressed.
int dir, pressed;
void setup()
/* Things to do on startup */
void loop()
/* Get user input */
pressed = 0;
if(getpad(0, BTN_D)) {
dir = 0; pressed = 1;
} else
if(getpad(0, BTN_L)) {
dir = 128; pressed = 1;
} else
if(getpad(0, BTN_R)) {
dir = 256; pressed = 1;
} else
if(getpad(0, BTN_U)) {
dir = 384; pressed = 1;
/* Display the character */
spr(144, 84, dir, 4, 4, 0, 0);
First, we clear the pressed variable. Then in the if blocks we set it to 1. This way when we press a button, the variable becomes 1, but as soon as we release the button, it will be cleared to 0.
We'll also need a variable to tell which animation frame to display. We could have used some funky expression to get the sprite id, but it is a lot easier to use an array instead storing which sprite to pick in the row. So row tells the direction, and columns tells the animation frame. Adding this two together gives us the final frame.
One more thing, we have three animation sprites, but we'll have to display four frames, the sprite in the middle needs to be displayed twice to get a proper back and forth animation for moving the legs. So in a given row we take the frame from the middle, the last, the middle again and then the first.
int dir, pressed, frame;
int anim[4] = { 4, 8, 4, 0 };
void setup()
/* Things to do on startup */
void loop()
/* Get user input */
pressed = 0;
if(getpad(0, BTN_D)) {
dir = 0; pressed = 1;
} else
if(getpad(0, BTN_L)) {
dir = 128; pressed = 1;
} else
if(getpad(0, BTN_R)) {
dir = 256; pressed = 1;
} else
if(getpad(0, BTN_U)) {
dir = 384; pressed = 1;
/* Display the character */
frame = pressed ? (frame + 1) & 3 : 0;
spr(144, 84, dir + anim[frame], 4, 4, 0, 0);
Next, we calculate which animation frame to display, but only if a button is pressed. If not, then we use a constant 0, meaning the first frame. Otherwise we increase frame to get the next frame, and we use bitwise AND to avoid overflow. When frame becomes 4 (which is 0b100 in binary) and we AND that with 3 (0b011), then the result will be 0, so the frame counter wraps around. We could have used "modulo number of frames" as well, but this is faster. Finally, we get the sprite id offset for this animation frame (stored in the anim array) and we add that to the dir variable to get which sprite to display.
Try it out, press Ctrl+R! It works fine, except our character is animated way too fast. That's because we increase the frame counter on every refresh, so 60 times per second. To fix this, we should get the ticks from the MMIO and calculate the frame independently to the refresh rate. However ticks counter is in millisec, so we should divide it. If we would divide that by 100, then we'd get 10 frames per second. We'll use shifting to the right 7 bits instead, which is equivalent of diving by 128. So first, press F1, and click on Misc. We can see that the ticks counter is at address 0x4, and it is 4 bytes long (so we'll have to use ini). Go back to the code and replace the frame calculation with this.
int dir, pressed, frame;
int anim[4] = { 4, 8, 4, 0 };
void setup()
/* Things to do on startup */
void loop()
/* Get user input */
pressed = 0;
if(getpad(0, BTN_D)) {
dir = 0; pressed = 1;
} else
if(getpad(0, BTN_L)) {
dir = 128; pressed = 1;
} else
if(getpad(0, BTN_R)) {
dir = 256; pressed = 1;
} else
if(getpad(0, BTN_U)) {
dir = 384; pressed = 1;
/* Display the character */
frame = pressed ? (ini(0x4) >> 7) & 3 : 0;
spr(144, 84, dir + anim[frame], 4, 4, 0, 0);
And we're done! We have a nicely walking character animation that we can control in our game. You could also move the character on screen by using variables for the x, y arguments, but it is very common in such games to move the map under the character in the opposite direction instead.
In this tutorial we'll create a cannon. This contains all the basics for an Asteroids game.
We start with the usual skeleton. We know from the previous tutorial that we'll have to clear the screen and we'll use line to draw a very simple turret.
void setup()
/* Things to do on startup */
void loop()
/* Things to run for every frame, at 60 FPS */
/* Display */
line(23, 160, 100, 160, 100 - 10);}
The centre of the screen is at 160, 100 and we draw a 10 pixels long turret pointing upwards by subtracting 10 pixels from the end Y coordinate. We also gave it a grayish color (23).
In order to make the player able to rotate this, we'll need a variable to keep track of the current degree where the turret should point to.
int deg;
void setup()
/* Things to do on startup */
void loop()
/* Things to run for every frame, at 60 FPS */
/* User input */
if(getkey(KEY_LEFT)) deg--;
if(getkey(KEY_RIGHT)) deg++;
if(deg < 0) deg = 359;
if(deg > 359) deg = 0; /* Display */
line(23, 160, 100, 160, 100 - 10);
We query if the player has pressed left or right arrow keys, and we change the degree accordingly. We are not ready yet, because we must also clip the degree and make it so that when we reach the lower limit we set the highest value, and when we reach the higher limit we set the lowest value. This will result in a nicely rotating around the clock turret.
Now to display the turret rotated at this degree, we'll need to know how much that degree means in pixels on the X and Y axis. One might remember from school math class that this is exactly what sinus and cosinus functions do. Of course they return a unit value, so if we want our turret to be 10 pixels long, we have to multiply that by 10. It is important that sin and cos returns a floating point number (so not 1 but 1.0).
int deg;
void setup()
/* Things to do on startup */
void loop()
/* Things to run for every frame, at 60 FPS */
/* User input */
if(getkey(KEY_LEFT)) deg--;
if(getkey(KEY_RIGHT)) deg++;
if(deg < 0) deg = 359;
if(deg > 359) deg = 0;
/* Display */
line(23, 160, 100, 160 + cos(deg)*10, 100 + sin(deg)*10);
Press Ctrl+R, and you'll see that the turret is nicely rotating!
As we know from bouncing the ball, to display a moving object we'll need two variables to store its coordinate and another two storing how much it should move. Unlike that ball, which only moved in diagonal, here we want to handle any arbitrary degree, so for a smooth movement we need to store sub-pixels, therefore we'll use floating point numbers for these variables (not int but float).
float x, y, dx, dy;int deg;
void setup()
/* Things to do on startup */
void loop()
/* Things to run for every frame, at 60 FPS */
/* User input */
if(getkey(KEY_LEFT)) deg--;
if(getkey(KEY_RIGHT)) deg++;
if(deg < 0) deg = 359;
if(deg > 359) deg = 0;
/* Move the bullet */
x += dx;
y += dy;
if(x < 0 || x >= 320 || y < 0 || y >= 200)
dx = dy = 0.0; /* Display */
pset(8, x, y); line(23, 160, 100, 160 + cos(deg)*10, 100 + sin(deg)*10);
Just like we did in the first tutorial, in the main loop() we add the delta values to the current coordinates. We also check if the bullet has reached the edge of the screen, and if so then we reset to stop the bullet's further movement. To display the bullet, we just simply set a yellow (8) pixel with pset.
One last thing left is to make the player able to fire this cannon.
float x, y, dx, dy;
int deg;
void setup()
/* Things to do on startup */
void loop()
/* Things to run for every frame, at 60 FPS */
/* User input */
if(getkey(KEY_LEFT)) deg--;
if(getkey(KEY_RIGHT)) deg++;
if(deg < 0) deg = 359;
if(deg > 359) deg = 0;
/* Fire the cannon */
if(getkey(KEY_SPACE)) {
dx = cos(deg);
dy = sin(deg);
x = 160 + dx * 9;
y = 100 + dy * 9;
} /* Move the bullet */
x += dx;
y += dy;
if(x < 0 || x >= 320 || y < 0 || y >= 200)
dx = dy = 0.0;
/* Display */
pset(8, x, y);
line(23, 160, 100, 160 + cos(deg)*10, 100 + sin(deg)*10);
When the player presses the Space, we set the dx and dy values depending how much pixels the current degree means on the X and Y axis. We also set the x and y variables to point at the end of the turret. We multiply the delta values by 9 for this, because the very next thing we are about to do is adding the delta values to the current coordinates, thus resulting in multiplying by 10.
Try it out! It works, but has a drawback though. If the player holds down the Space, then nothing happens. This is because getkey will return constantly true, so we keep setting the x, y, dx, dy variables to the same values, and movement can't happen. Let's fix this! We need a variable to keep track if we have already fired the cannon.
float x, y, dx, dy;
int deg, fired;
void setup()
/* Things to do on startup */
void loop()
/* Things to run for every frame, at 60 FPS */
/* User input */
if(getkey(KEY_LEFT)) deg--;
if(getkey(KEY_RIGHT)) deg++;
if(deg < 0) deg = 359;
if(deg > 359) deg = 0;
/* Fire the cannon */
if(getkey(KEY_SPACE)) {
if(!fired) {
fired = 1; dx = cos(deg);
dy = sin(deg);
x = 160 + dx * 9;
y = 100 + dy * 9;
} } else
fired = 0;
/* Move the bullet */
x += dx;
y += dy;
if(x < 0 || x >= 320 || y < 0 || y >= 200)
dx = dy = 0.0;
/* Display */
pset(8, x, y);
line(23, 160, 100, 160 + cos(deg)*10, 100 + sin(deg)*10);
So when Space is pressed, we also check if fired variable is not set, and if it isn't, then we set it along with the other variables. This way we'll only set the other variables once. But we don't want to keep fired that way, therefore when Space is not pressed, we clear that flag so that we could fire the cannon again. And that's all about it.
We have added a block around the lines which set those variables. No need to type so many spaces to indent all those lines, you can select the lines and press Ctrl+. to make the editor increase indentation at once.
Our code still has an issue. If we fire the cannon when a bullet is already fired, then the first bullet disappears. This is because we can only handle one bullet at a time, we have only one x, y, dx, dy quadlet. To support more bullets, we need to convert these to arrays which can hold multiple values, one quadlet for each bullet.
At first, just create arrays with one element. When we declare them, we need to tell the compiler the number of elements, but when we reference them, we use an index starting from zero, therefore the indeces of an array with N elements goes 0 to N - 1.
#define N 1
float x[N], y[N], dx[N], dy[N];
int deg, fired;
void setup()
/* Things to do on startup */
void loop()
/* Things to run for every frame, at 60 FPS */
/* User input */
if(getkey(KEY_LEFT)) deg--;
if(getkey(KEY_RIGHT)) deg++;
if(deg < 0) deg = 359;
if(deg > 359) deg = 0;
/* Fire the cannon */
if(getkey(KEY_SPACE)) {
if(!fired) {
fired = 1;
dx[0] = cos(deg);
dy[0] = sin(deg);
x[0] = 160 + dx[0] * 9;
y[0] = 100 + dy[0] * 9;
} else
fired = 0;
/* Move the bullet */
x[0] += dx[0];
y[0] += dy[0];
if(x[0] < 0 || x[0] >= 320 || y[0] < 0 || y[0] >= 200)
dx[0] = dy[0] = 0.0;
/* Display */
pset(8, x[0], y[0]);
line(23, 160, 100, 160 + cos(deg)*10, 100 + sin(deg)*10);
Try this out! It should work exactly as before.
Now moving on, we introduce loops, which iterates on all elements. First, let's do this with the movement and the display.
#define N 1
float x[N], y[N], dx[N], dy[N];
int deg, fired;
void setup()
/* Things to do on startup */
void loop()
int i;
/* Things to run for every frame, at 60 FPS */
/* User input */
if(getkey(KEY_LEFT)) deg--;
if(getkey(KEY_RIGHT)) deg++;
if(deg < 0) deg = 359;
if(deg > 359) deg = 0;
/* Fire the cannon */
if(getkey(KEY_SPACE)) {
if(!fired) {
fired = 1;
dx[0] = cos(deg);
dy[0] = sin(deg);
x[0] = 160 + dx[0] * 9;
y[0] = 100 + dy[0] * 9;
} else
fired = 0;
/* Move the bullets */
for(i = 0; i < N; i++) { x[i] += dx[i];
y[i] += dy[i];
if(x[i] < 0 || x[i] >= 320 || y[i] < 0 || y[i] >= 200)
dx[i] = dy[i] = 0.0;
} /* Display */
for(i = 0; i < N; i++) pset(8, x[i], y[i]);
line(23, 160, 100, 160 + cos(deg)*10, 100 + sin(deg)*10);
As you can see, we didn't change much, we just put a loop around the expressions, and we have replaced the constant 0 index with the loop variable i. This way on each iteration the loop body moves one bullet. Same way, we use another loop to display one bullet in each iteration.
We also have to make the cannon fire a bullet. This is a bit trickier, as we'll have to find a quadlet of variables which is not being used. And once we find one, we need to stop, because we only want to set one bullet's variables.
#define N 1
float x[N], y[N], dx[N], dy[N];
int deg, fired;
void setup()
/* Things to do on startup */
void loop()
int i;
/* Things to run for every frame, at 60 FPS */
/* User input */
if(getkey(KEY_LEFT)) deg--;
if(getkey(KEY_RIGHT)) deg++;
if(deg < 0) deg = 359;
if(deg > 359) deg = 0;
/* Fire the cannon */
if(getkey(KEY_SPACE)) {
if(!fired) {
fired = 1;
for(i = 0; i < N; i++)
if(dx[i] == 0.0 && dy[i] == 0.0) { dx[i] = cos(deg);
dy[i] = sin(deg);
x[i] = 160 + dx[i] * 9;
y[i] = 100 + dy[i] * 9;
} }
} else
fired = 0;
/* Move the bullets */
for(i = 0; i < N; i++) {
x[i] += dx[i];
y[i] += dy[i];
if(x[i] < 0 || x[i] >= 320 || y[i] < 0 || y[i] >= 200)
dx[i] = dy[i] = 0.0;
/* Display */
for(i = 0; i < N; i++)
pset(8, x[i], y[i]);
line(23, 160, 100, 160 + cos(deg)*10, 100 + sin(deg)*10);
So this loop contains a conditional, which checks if a certain bullet's movement is zero. If so, then we have found an empty bullet slot at i that we can use. We do the same setup as before on the ith quadlet, and then the break keyword quits the loop.
Let's run this! Still no change, works exactly as before. To put into perspective why we have worked so hard with these arrays, change only one thing:
#define N 100
And presto!
By replacing the fixed 160 and 100 coordinates of the cannon with another x, y and dx, dy variables, you'll be able to move it, and you'll get an Asteroids spaceship!
In this tutorial we'll prepare and import a sound effect. We'll use Audacity, but other wave editors should work too.
First, let's open the desired wave file in Audacity.
We can see right away that there are two waves, meaning our sound sample is stereo. MEG-4 can only handle mono, so go to Tracks > Mix > Mix Stereo Down to Mono to convert it. If you see only one waveform, you can skip this step.
Now MEG-4 does tune the samples on its own, and for that to work, all imported waves must be tuned to a specific pitch. For some reason pitch detection is broken in Audacity, so you'll have to do it manually. Press Ctrl+A to select the wave, and then go to Analyze > Plot Spectrum....
Move your cursor above the biggest peak, and the current pitch will show up below (which is C3 in this example). If the shown note isn't C4, then select Effect > Pitch and Tempo > Change Pitch....
In the "from" field, enter the value that you saw in the spectrum window, and in the "to" field enter C-4, then press "Apply".
Next thing is to normalize the volume. Go to Effect > Volume and Compression > Amplify.... In the popup window just press "Apply" (everything is autodetected correctly, no need to change anything).
MEG-4 supports no more than 16376 samples per waves. If you have fewer samples than this in the first place, then you can skip this step.
Under the waveform you'll see the selection in milliseconds, click on that small "s" and change it to "samples".
In our example that's more than the allowed maximum. The number of samples is calculated as the value under "Project Sample Rate" multiplied by the length. So to lower the number of samples, either we lower the rate or we cut off the end of the wave. In this tutorial we'll do both.
Select everything let's say after 1.0, and press Del to delete. This does the trick, but makes the ending sound harsh. To fix that, select a reasonable portion at the end and go to Effect > Fading > Fade Out. This will make the wave end nicely.
Our wave is still too long (44380 samples), but we can't cut off more without ruining the sample. This is where the sample rate comes in. In previous versions of Audacity, this was comfortably displayed at the bottom on the toolbar as "Project Rate (Hz)". But not any more, on newer Audacity it is a lot more complicated. First, click Audio Setup on the toolbar and select Audio Settings.... In the popup window, look for "Quality" / "Project Sample Rate", and from the drop-down select "Other..." to make the actual input field editable.
Make sure you calculate the number correctly. Audacity is incapable of undoing this step, so you can't give it another try!
Enter a number here, which is 16376 divided by the length of your wave (1.01 secs in our example) and press "OK".
Select the entire wave (press Ctrl+A) then you should see that the end of the selection is below 16376.
Finally, save the new modified wave by selecting File > Export > Export as WAV. Make sure encoding is "Unsigned 8-bit PCM". As filename, enter dspXX.wav, where XX is a hex number between 01 and 1F, the MEG-4 wave slot where you want to load this sample (using a different filename works too, but then the wave will be loaded at the first free slot).
Once you have the file, just drag'n'drop it into the MEG-4 window and you're done.
The advcomp compiler can parse AdvGame JSON source files and can convert those into MEG-4 Adventure Games. These are classic textual games (also known as Interactive Fiction) where the player enters sentences in order to progress in the game. Each sentence is then parsed into a verb and noun(s), and looked up. If a script is found for that verb and noun(s) combination, then it is executed.
The advcomp tool can also generate point'n'click adventure games from the very same JSON files. Although MEG-4 can import these too, but converts them into textual games, the point'n'click gameplay mode is only available with the advgame interpreter.
The Adventure Game state is an array of 256 bytes. The first byte stores the current room number, the last 32 bytes are reserved for the inventory, all the others are up to you. You can use these as flags, you can store counters in them, whatever. Scripts operate on this 256 bytes of memory, and this state can be saved and loaded in a game save file.
The source file must have an "AdvGame" JSON structure at the top which is also a magic. Its fields are:
Normally sprites are assumed to be splitted: top 128 rows are swapped between rooms, bottom 128 rows are constant (for ui elements, icons, etc. this latter is loaded from sprites). If textpos is set, then both on the intro page and in rooms textpos rows (up to 96 pixels) starting from the sprite sheet's row 32 will be shown on screen. With the custom user interface C code you can display whatever and howmany sprites you'd like.
There's a main and an alternative configuration to support more languages. Their fields are:
During parsing, words shorter than three UNICODE characters must match exactly, otherwise it is enough if the words starts with that. This is needed for inflecting languages, not for English (an example could be maybe nouns being [ "brit" ] that would match both if player typed either briton or british).
Room number goes from 1 to 254 (room 0 is the intro or reset or no direction for navigation verbs, 255 is the saved game slot). Each room structure's fields are:
Texts can be 255 bytes long, and each room might have 32 texts, can be displayed with the say / sayv / sayc instructions.
The scripts in room 1 are special in a way that they can be accessed from every other room too. Therefore it is recommended to put a "Game over" room here, which has only a jmp 0 reset in its logic, so that there's no further command parsing in this room.
Every JSON value after a navigation or a verb command can be a non-zero number, which is a room number:
"north": 12,
Or it can be a string, which is a "rooms" alias:
"north": "attic",
But if it is an array of strings, then it is a script with instructions:
"north": [ "jmp 12" ],
These alter the game's state, display messages, etc., Instruction arguments are numbers, but in the appropriate places "rooms", "vars", etc. aliases can be used.
Available instructions:
All of these instructions can be expanded with exactly one of these suffixes:
A special case when (V) is 250 or above, these use the navigation drirections: 250 (or north), 251 (or west), 252 (or east), 253 (or south), 254 (or up), 255 (or down). For example to check if the room is passable to the North, that's if north != 0. These state indeces are storing the inventory's bitmask, which must be accessed using the has and not conditions, so there's no conflict.
Jumping to room 0 will wait for a keypress, then resets the game and instead of 0, jumps to the given starting room (this needs an explicit jmp command as number 0 cannot be used as destination room number).
Normally to connect rooms one would specify a room number (or "rooms" alias), but this allows passing from one room to another unconditionally. For example if you store a "has the key" flag in game state 7, and in room 11 you have a door and you only want to allow to go North to room 12 if the player has that key, then you'll need a scripted navigation.
"11": { "text0": [ "The door is closed." ], "north": [ "jmp 12 if (7) = 1", "say 1" ] }
Instead of a number now we have an array of strings, with a jmp 12 if (7) = 1 instruction in the north property. This would only jump to room 12 if state 7 is 1, otherwise it remains in room 11. In this case we can also say "The door is closed" with a say 1 instruction (if we jumped to room 12 then this won't be executed). You can use a "rooms" alias in place of a room number, and a "vars" alias instead of a game state index (variable), for example jmp attic if key = 1. You can also use more complex conditions with the and / or instructions, if you add them before the instruction they should affect. For example to only allow passing when it's night and the player has a lamp too, then [ "and if night = 1", "and has lamp", "jmp attic if key = 1" ].
Another example, which randomly picks a room between 100 and 109:
[ "rnd (1) 10", /* random between 0 and 9 into game state 1 */ "add (1) 100", /* add 100 so state 1 is now between 100 and 109 */ "jmpv (1)" ] /* jump to the room stored in a game state */
Texts can be choosen depending on variables too, for example if you store the cause of death 0 to 2 in variable 9, then:
"text0": [ "You're dead, because:", /* 1st text */ "you drown", /* 2nd text */ "you starved", /* 3rd text */ "monster eat you" /* 4th text */ ], "logic": [ "say 1", "sayv (9) 2" ]
This will first display the 1st text with say, then sayv takes the value from game state 9, adds 2 to it and displays one of the texts from 2nd to 4th.
The conditional text is also useful, which can display either a false or a true text depending on its suffix. For example:
"text0": [ "You don't have a key.", /* 1st text */ "The chest is now open." /* 2nd text */ ], "open chest": [ "sayc 1 2 has key", "set (10) 1 has key" ]
If the player does not have the key, then sayc will display the first, otherwise the second text. Then we set a "chest open" flag with set, but only if the player has the key. (To specify the command like this, you'll need a "verbs" alias open and a "nouns" alias chest as well. Again, aliases are only used in the JSON and they are independent to the translated words players can type in the game.)
Example MEG-4 Adventure Games can be found in the meg4_advgame repository.
The MEG-4 Fantasy Console is Free and Open Source software available under GPLv3+ or any later version of that license.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
The MEG-4 PRO Fantasy Console's license is commercial and proprietary. It offers plus functionality over the GPL'd version, it can export your program into a standalone Web, Windows or Linux application.
Materials used creating MEG-4